Can you please give me some verses from the bible that talk about shyness, self-esteem, and jealousy?


How can I be peaceful mentally?


Why could there not have been a “big bang” in the very beginning when God was creating the universe? As I understand the theory, there was nothing before the big bang. It seems to me a very plausible way of creating the vast heavens, and there is evidence the universe is expanding. None of this takes away from the Genesis explanation of the beginning of our world.


I wondered how classroom textbooks can say that people are millions of years old yet the Bible indicates that the earth is only thousands (6,000, I believe) of years old? I trust what the Bible says; I just need to know how the number 6,000 years, concerning the earth and creation, comes in to play.


What happened to Job’s wife after she repeatedly told him to curse his God and die? Did she die before him or was she with him when he was cured and had a new family?


Is drinking beer, wine, or any alcohol a sin? I have read scripture about drunkenness and drunkards will not enter the kingdom of heaven, but what about the limit or strength of alcohol? And please explain when Jesus turned water into wine. It wasn’t actual wine was it? It was grape juice, right? I know back in those days doesn’t mean the same now days. So just checking!


How can Jesus be God and the mediator to God?


Our pastor told us that if we withhold our money from the Lord that he will withhold financial blessings from us. Does that mean we are buying God’s favor?


I heard someone say that we have to refer to Jesus as Yeshua or we can’t be saved. What does that mean?


What does the Bible have to say about Evolution, the Big Bang Theory and Universal Expansion?


Does the bible ever mention what Satan or demons look like?


Why should we, as Christians, escape the Tribulation period when so many Christians have been persecuted, tortured, and killed for their faith in Jesus over the years? We are no better than they are or were, and people are starving and killed all over the world even now. Our Lord suffered and died a cruel death on the cross for our sins. These things do mystify me, so could you shed some Biblical truths on this subject please?


Are there any scriptures that may deal with some people trying to use God to get something for their personal gain? Does James, chapter 4 deal with this? Some people are so carnally minded that when they do get a prayer answered they forget all about God until they need or want something.


I pray, fast and confess my sins, and my life doesn’t change one bit. No matter how many programs or funerals I attend, my life remains the same. I’m now thinking of calling it quits.


Is it a sin if you have to pull the plug on someone’s life. This has bothered me for a while now. The guilt I feel is hard to live with sometimes. Even though I was told it was the best for Him.


How come when all you desire is to see God’s face, participate in his will, and persevere; you’re suddenly placed in a position where you’re feeling limited because you have no job, you have no money to pay your bills, you’re on the verge of being homeless again, you’re barely eating and you feel hopelessness all the time. You’re having dreams where someone is trying to take you and you can actually feel it as it’s happening.


Why are we supposed to end our prayers by saying “in Jesus’ name”?


It wasn’t too long after our wedding that I realized that my husband was not a Christian. After two years of staying together, neither one of us is happy in our marriage. I can tell he doesn’t love me. I know I made a big mistake when I married him. Can I divorce my husband or do I have to stay in a bad marriage for the rest of my life? What about annulment?


Why was the best part of my life taken from me? I should have died, not her. She was full of light from the Lord and was the best part of life to me. This is like being in Hades to me. God, please tell Joann I’m trying my best to be good and to meet her again. It’s hard and I feel like a broken record; asking for forgiveness and then not acting like a Christian.


Have you ever been in a sin and every time you want to get out you pray for it to stop and when you think it does, it keeps coming back. You feel that it will live with you until the end, like it controls your life and you have no control anymore. That’s how my life is. God knows I want to stop and take back my self-control but I’ve entertained these sins for so long where they have control over me and have these evil spirits that won’t leave me alone. How do I get out of this? Please tell me; how do I take control?


I have read the bible in the past and I don’t feel that I can agree with every teaching in it so I don’t think Christianity is for me. However upon reading I had one question. Surely if Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve and one was killed, then the human race is incestuous? And where did the woman in the wilderness come from? Thank you for your time. (I do not mean to offend.)


Could you please give me some scripture on the rapture occurring before the tribulation. I know some people believe we will go through the tribulation. Thank you.


Before the 10 commandments were given where did morality come from?


I whole heartily believe that Christ saves us by His grace and His mercy. It’s by His sacrificial blood that He shed on the cross that gives us hope of eternity. But doesn’t belief of “faith only” invalidate what James said in James 2?


I have tried to clearly see what the Bible says about when a father abuses a child and the law does not support the child. What recourse does that child have when according to the law they still have to be with that father?
