If a relationship began with cohabitation and now children, can the couple marry if they are now believers in Christ, or should they break the relationship and look for another spouse to marry within church bonds?


Can you explain, when is it my turn to be happy in a marriage?


Where can I find Bible passages about finding a 2nd True Love? And what does it say about love?


What does the Bible say about cousins marrying? Can I marry my cousin?


Is it Biblical to get married to a divorcee?


Does God recognize cohabitated families? Or are they not families until blessed by a Pastor?


Many people assume that Genesis 2:18, saying it’s not good for man to be alone, means that we all are promised a spouse. Can you tell me what this verse really means?


If someone was married and got divorced and then gets saved, is she allowed to get married again?


I would appreciate it if you could explain Genesis 3:16 in relation to wives submitting to their husbands.


Can a believer who is saved have two wives and still have the favor of the Lord, and at the end of his life see God?


What does the Bible say about a woman who’s in an abusive marriage?


When losing someone you love to divorce is there any scripture to help bring comfort?


My husband of 26 years informed me 6 months ago he was born in a boy’s body with a girl’s brain. He recently informed me he was tired of being the person he is not and has rapidly started becoming a woman. I am not taking this news well. Do I have to stay in this marriage? I do not want to stay with him. By the way, we are lifelong Christians.


Can God change my spouse’s feelings for me? My spouse says she doesn’t love me anymore.


I’m a Protestant and my hubby is a Catholic. If I don’t go with him to his church he doesn’t go. He refuses to come to my church. So now we don’t go to church. I’m confused about what to do.


I pray daily for God to change my heart and the way I react to my wife, the world, and myself. Is there any more I can do?


I have recently been divorced by my wife because she said she no longer loves me. It has been said to me in church that God has a plan for me, and that my divorce will be part of that plan. How can this be when God declares that divorce is wrong and he hates it?


I got betrothed to a Muslim guy. I am a Christian. We did a Muslim marriage. After that, I gave my heart back to Jesus. Now I am pregnant and we would like to do a Christian wedding. I need some advice as to what does the Bible advises me to do in a situation like this. Should I marry him or should I choose to raise the baby on my own? Will God accept my marriage to him or am I making a mistake?


Can two divorced persons get married to each other?


Some say it’s good for a man to have more than one wife. Is this supported by the Word of God?


What does the Bible say about the staying of a guy after marriage? Is it written that he should leave his parents and to live separately with only his wife?


I have a problem with my wife. She has a past life of having affairs with so many men. After I met her, we had two beautiful kids, but after I found out that she had been with so many men I want to divorce her for good.


What does the bible say about restoring and rescuing your marriage, and getting rid of outside interference?


How do you handle the situation when you fall in love with a non-believer?


Where are some verses in the bible that I can find the responsibility of a husband and wife for each other?
