I had a vision because I wasn’t really sleeping in the early hours today. I saw the number 5963 written in words and I opened my eyes. I don’t know the meaning of these numbers. Can you clarify this for me please?


What about people who describe supernatural events and something ‘ghostly?’ There is a story in which a person heard a voice of a loved one saying she was ok and a candle came on. Things like this really confuse me. If I were to hear or see something like this, I would automatically think it was demonic because of current media. How do I know the difference? Do you have any insight for me?


I’ve been hearing more and more about “worshipping in frequencies.” Those teaching it are including scriptures to back them up. I read the scriptures and there isn’t anything refuting their teachings.


If Christians sing worship songs in church or listen on the radio, and the songs have been written by people who are worship leaders in churches that have been shown not to be a true Bible teaching church, isn’t that wrong?


Why do Muslims say that the Lord Jesus Christ was not self-sufficient? What does that mean?


I know some angels followed Satan and were cast out of heaven. My question is: Could they repent and change their fate?


What should a Christian’s work ethic be in the workplace?


When Charles Spurgeon said, “Christians who die are sleeping in Jesus,” was he referring to the body since our spirit goes to be with the Lord?


Does the Bible say that Hell is seven times hotter than any fire on earth?


Was Mary, the mother of Jesus, sinless? How can Jesus be sinless unless Mary was sinless?


What is casting a spell? Can anyone cast a spell on someone else? Is God the only one who can curse someone?


What is the difference between a cult and the occult?


How does one love Jesus? How does a man love another man?


What does the Bible say about the age of accountability?  Is it 12 years old?


Can you explain who brings the disasters upon the world such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes? Is it God or Satan since he is ruling the world?


Does being an idol worshipper of our ancestors have to do with producing gays or lesbians on the generations to come?


The Lord saved me! How do I develop a stronger desire to pray?


Would participating in Mormon rituals be considered renouncing Christ? I have a friend who is wrapped up in LDS, and I am worried about her salvation!


I have noticed a trend on social media especially from people at my location (Nigeria). People here tend to create memes and videos concerning biblical passages and events, making fun of it. I personally find it appalling. Please, what is the position of the Bible regarding such acts?


What is righteousness and how do we acquire it?


One time my sister disrespected my dad and a few months later she lost her job. My dad later told us that he had asked God to make my sister lose her job. Does God really take orders from people? I sometimes hear my dad say ‘If you disrespect me, I’ll ask God to destroy your future.’


How do you serve the Lord?


Please, do ungodly songs have any negative influence on believers? If yes, then what are the negative impact of today’s ungodly songs on us?


Where in the Bible are we first asked to praise the Lord?  Did God Himself ever command it? 


Today I heard a message and the preacher said that sin existed before Satan existed. Is that true?
