How was life in the Garden of Eden before the fall? How long did Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden before they were tempted by the devil?


Should the United States be friendly with Israel?


Was the creation of the world also the beginning of time?


How large was the land grant that God gave to Israel?


Are we still part of the generation of Noah? It is written that the flood carried away the whole world except Noah and his family. Therefore, did God create another set of people that we are now, or are we the continuous lineage of Noah?


Many say that Isaac was a grown man when Abraham took him to be sacrificed, but the Bible calls him a “lad.”  Just how old was Isaac?


In Genesis 3:8, the bible says, “when Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden, they hid themselves from the presence of God.” Can one hide from God?  Does it mean that God didn’t see them from where they were hiding when he was calling Adam?  And our God being omnipresent, was God not in the garden when the snake was talking with Eve?  Did they see God face to face?


Does God choose for us who to marry in relation to Genesis 2:22 or does He present choices for us to choose from?


Can you explain Romans 6:23 and Genesis 2:17? When the forbidden fruit was eaten by Eve, was it physical death when they both ate of it? Does Romans 6:23 refer to physical death or both physical and spiritual death?


Genesis 5:30 reads, “After Noah was born, Lamech lived 595 years and had other sons and daughters” (NIV). Obviously, this means that Noah must have had younger brothers and sisters. Are these siblings mentioned elsewhere in the Bible? Do you know of any commentaries that address this?


What can you tell me about Noah’s family?


Please explain Genesis 14:18-22 in respect to the Passover.


What is your view of the first 11 chapters of Genesis?


Over the years I have been reading the story of Jacob in the book of Genesis and I can’t seem to understand something. When the Bible says he wrestled with the angel, was it a physical fight?


Where in the bible is the story about God sending a rainbow?  What did it mean?


Who was Jacob in the Bible?


Genesis 11:1 says, “And the whole earth was of ONE LANGUAGE, and of ONE SPEECH.”  What is the name of the language that was spoken in the days of Nimrod of Babel before the LORD confounded the languages of all the earth?


Please, what does the word “sign” in Genesis 1:14 really mean based on the context it was used?


I want to know where Cain got the thoughts of killing his brother Abel?


What does Genesis 3:16 mean when it says, “your desire shall be to your husband”?


What happened to the bodies of the people that drowned in the flood in Noah’s day? Have they been resurrected, judged or were they all immediately sent to Hades? Where is Mary, the mother of Jesus? Is she in heaven or is she waiting for Jesus to come back?


Were Adam and Eve clothed in any way before they sinned?


Please explain Genesis 49:9-10.


Can’t we change our destinies? I remember reading about Esau and Jacob, things happened the way it was told to Rebecca.


I know we all descended from Adam and Eve, but when did the Egyptians appear and from who?
