Do you think that Adam and Eve knew of all the destruction, grief, and sorrow they would cause by their one sin?


We know that there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil but also there was a tree of life in Genesis 2:9. Was it just one and the same or there were actually two trees?  If so, did the devil have any knowledge of this tree and if he did, why didn’t he take it to eat? Also did Adam and Eve have knowledge of the tree of life?


Can one justify securing success through evil means, since Abraham also became rich even though he deceived the king by pretending that his wife, Sarah, was his sister to avoid death (Genesis 12:14-20)?


Did the Hebrews spend time in Egypt for 400 or 430 years? (Genesis 15:13 and Acts 7:6).


How many people died in the flood when Noah’s ark was built?


Please explain what it means when it is mentioned in the Bible to stay away from blood.


Please explain Genesis 19:30-38.


What can you tell me about Methuselah?


Can you please explain what happened to the descendants of Cain? Did they intermingle with Seth’s lineage and survive Noah’s flood or are only Seth’s line our ancestors?


Should the rest that God took in Genesis 2:2 be taken literally?


Our pastor said that according to Genesis 4:23, that Lamech killed Abel.  Is that true?


Please explain how the Spirit of God moved in Genesis 1:2.


What does Esau’s selling of his birthright say to us today?


How could Moses have married a Gentile bride when she was a Midianite, a descendant of Abraham?


Why was Abraham told to leave his ancestors’ land, but not to destroy the altar, and why was Gideon ordered to destroy his father’s gods, but not to leave the land?


Please explain Genesis 2:17 and 3:4. Is the word “death” physical, or both physical and spiritual death? Why do all human beings die physically? Is it because when they ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden?


How was life in the Garden of Eden before the fall? How long did Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden before they were tempted by the devil?


Should the United States be friendly with Israel?


Was the creation of the world also the beginning of time?


How large was the land grant that God gave to Israel?


Are we still part of the generation of Noah? It is written that the flood carried away the whole world except Noah and his family. Therefore, did God create another set of people that we are now, or are we the continuous lineage of Noah?


Many say that Isaac was a grown man when Abraham took him to be sacrificed, but the Bible calls him a “lad.”  Just how old was Isaac?


In Genesis 3:8, the bible says, “when Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden, they hid themselves from the presence of God.” Can one hide from God?  Does it mean that God didn’t see them from where they were hiding when he was calling Adam?  And our God being omnipresent, was God not in the garden when the snake was talking with Eve?  Did they see God face to face?


Does God choose for us who to marry in relation to Genesis 2:22 or does He present choices for us to choose from?


Can you explain Romans 6:23 and Genesis 2:17? When the forbidden fruit was eaten by Eve, was it physical death when they both ate of it? Does Romans 6:23 refer to physical death or both physical and spiritual death?
