Do you think that Adam and Eve knew of all the destruction, grief, and sorrow they would cause by their one sin?


I’ve been reading about Jonah who was angry at God and God asked him if he should be. He was angry because God wouldn’t destroy Nineveh. It just kind of ends there. What happened to Jonah?


How can I share the gospel with someone when I feel cold towards sinners because I struggle with separating sin from the sinner?


Can you please explain about the destruction of Jerusalem in Luke 21:20-24?


Will those left after the Rapture have a second chance to receive Christ as their Savior?


Can I claim Acts 16:31 as a promise of salvation for my family?


What about churches requiring a congregational vote for someone to become a member of that church?  Is that right?


Is it right for people to assume that when someone dies, they have gone to heaven? How are we assured that the person is in heaven? Even when the unsaved die people assume that they have gone to heaven. Is this right? How do people know what God has allowed?


Can you explain Hebrews 6:18?  What are immutable things?


I am a Baptist, and my husband is Roman Catholic. When we were first married neither of us cared about our differences but after having three children, I started taking our kids to my church and he decided to take them to his church too. We are now arguing over our different beliefs (I believe what the Bible says, and he believes what the Roman Catholic church teaches him). The Bible says, “It is better to obey God rather than men” and my husband is unwilling to listen to my beliefs. Is there any end in sight to this turmoil in our family and what should I do as a wife?


James 5:18 speaks of anointing with oil and praying for those in need. I believe in this practice and have done this as instructed. Yet today’s new age pastors say it is no longer relevant and out of date in use. What is your take on this?


Is it a sin if you are not going to church? Is there any prayer that I can pray to speak my mind with God?


What does this line from Isaiah mean, “…and no man layeth it to heart.”


Can a believer’s prayer change the will of God? If not, why does God want us to be prayerful when everything goes according to His will every time? Also, is choosing not to pray often because we believe everything will go according to God’s will sinful?


Is Jesus the king of Christians or the Jews only?


Was God really silent between the last book of the Old Testament and the first book of the New Testament? God didn’t speak to the people through prophets in that period of time so what was happening in that time?


The Bible says we are healed by Jesus’ stripes.  I have prayed and asked God to heal me. Why am I not healed from my sickness?


Please explain Mark 8:22-26 about the blind man at Bethsaida. This is the only miracle God did by touching someone twice. And please let me know why he was taken outside of town.


In Revelation 20:14, how is death and hell cast into the lake of fire?  I thought hell was the lake of fire.


Would you explain the term Zionism or Zionist?


The theme for our next Holiday program is Music.  Can you give me some Bible stories that involved music or where in the Bible music is used to inspire? Or how musical instruments were made?  Anything to do with music.


Can you please explain for me why Jesus instructed His disciples to not leave Jerusalem in Luke 24:49?


How can burning flesh be a sweet-smelling aroma to God?


I have a question about verses in the Bible regarding sinners and as a punishment was told because of their sins their children would die. Why would someone have to die because of someone else’s mistake?


We know that there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil but also there was a tree of life in Genesis 2:9. Was it just one and the same or there were actually two trees?  If so, did the devil have any knowledge of this tree and if he did, why didn’t he take it to eat? Also did Adam and Eve have knowledge of the tree of life?
