Does the Bible promise that Christians will be delivered from mental illness of all kinds?


Can you explain the differences between sin, iniquity, trespasses, and transgressions?


Please explain Romans 2:21-24.


How do I keep my eyes on my own walk with the Lord? It seems like everyone in my church has it all together while I am struggling.


Why did Naaman ask for “two mule-loads of earth” in 2 Kings 5:17?


Can you explain John 21:21-23?


Can you explain the vision of Ezekiel 37 about the valley of dry bones?


What prayer do Catholics pray after eating Holy Communion?


Those who follow Lucifer, the devil, Satan, the Anti-Christ’s sinful ways, are they going to Heaven or Hell?


Is working on Sundays biblically wrong? 


Does eternal security of the believer mean that a saved person cannot backslide?


So many people pray to “Jesus” or the “Lord” instead of to the Father, as our Lord taught. Is it right or wrong to pray to “the Lord?” It bothers me. Some also pray to the Spirit which seems quite wrong.


What is the significance of the number 40 in the Bible?


Is the woman who was caught in adultery in John 8 Mary Magdalene, who also offered the alabaster jar to Jesus, and who first saw Jesus after His Resurrection?


If Job was not a Jew, who wrote the book of Job and why is it in the Scriptures?


I believe that I was cursed in my mother’s womb as I was not planned, and she tried to abort me. My life has been totally different to that of my siblings. Most of my relationships have been abusive and I have never known true love. On her deathbed she told my brother that she had sold her soul to the devil at the age of 16. Many have prayed for me, but things are still going so wrong in my life and I don’t believe that the curse has been broken. Please let me know your learned answer to this.


Is it possible for a Roman Catholic to be a born-again Christian and remain in the Catholic Church?


Could you explain 1 Corinthians 5:11-13?


Does belonging to the “church” or “the body of Christ” mean we should be a member of a church?


How do we truly commit ourselves to God? I know we should study His Word, have faith, keep His commandments, but I need instruction on how to truly commit to God daily.


Is it biblical to sow seeds and pay tithes?  I hear some pastors say that for a person to stop being poor or living in poverty, they have to sow a seed of money to the church.  Was this practiced in the early church?


How do you help a servant of the Lord?


Is it always God’s will for us to be healed? Should we pray “if it be Your will”?


My friend, who is saved, is trying really hard to win her family over to Jesus, but they seem to be hardened.  She is praying for them and she’s feeling discouraged. Please, what help can you offer to her from Scripture?


Did Jesus baptize anyone while He was on the earth?
