Please explain Romans 12:20 about heaping coals on someone’s head.


Matthew 25:34 says, “Then the King will say to the people on his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world.’” John 14:3 says, “And after I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to myself, so that you will be where I am.” Please sir, how do I reconcile these two verses? Matthew says the kingdom has been prepared and John says He had gone to prepare a place for us.


I want to be more humble so I can be used of God.  How can I become more humble?


I have a question about the striking similarities in the Bible and in the studies of Astro-theology. I have been following both and as much as I would like to believe either, it’s proven to be very hard. I would appreciate it if you could tell me about the differences between the two.


What if a demon doesn’t listen to Satan, or decides to rebel against him, what would happen?  Could they die?  How does it work if they decide to rebel against Satan?


Aren’t there many sins in the Bible that are accepted today?  How can I know what is right and what is wrong?


Can you discuss the biblical view of Christian liberty?


When did Jesus die?


Was Jesus stealing grain when He ate from the wheat as He passed through the field?  Did he sin by stealing?


I am reading the book of Job and I am trying to understand the portion on the fire of God that fell from heaven. Since it was indicated that Satan is the one striking Job, how and why could he use the fire of God?


Can witnessing to others be a spiritual gift?


Please explain John 1:18.


Please explain Isaiah 26:3.  What does it mean that God trusts us? 


Kindly explain Proverbs 31:23 in relation to the “gates” mentioned there.


Is family planning consistent with scriptures?


When God says there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth, what does that mean for that journey from the Rapture to Heaven’s gates? Will we be reincarnated on the New Earth, or with our newly made bodies live out the rest of our days in both Heaven and Earth?


Please explain Titus 3:5. What is regeneration?


If a person keeps running from God’s salvation, will He eventually quit dealing with them and turn them into having a reprobate mind?


I would like to know how to start a meaningful conversation with a stranger about their salvation please. 


What does Proverbs 8:22 mean? Does it mean that Jesus was created, or is it about wisdom?


I live in my boyfriend’s house.  We do not sleep together, and we don’t sleep in the same room.  I have repented of sex before marriage and am encouraging him to, as well.  Is it still a sin even for me to stay in this house even though we won’t touch each other until we are married?


Can you please explain 1st Corinthians 6:2?


I never rejected the Lord but let the fleshly side of me do things that I had never wanted to do and for that reason I always felt that I had failed God and brought dishonor to His name similar to what King David did.  I have asked for forgiveness over and over because it grieves my soul/spirit so much.  From what I understand from scriptures on the link you provided God has forgiven me and never will forsake me because of my sin. Is this true?


What will happen to other religions who don’t believe in Jesus Christ? Religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. Are they going to Hell?


In 1 John 1:9, what does it mean that God is faithful?
