At which point are our names written in the book of life? Is it by birth or the day we are born again?


Could we say that all the disciples of Jesus Christ were saved?


Those who follow Lucifer, the devil, Satan, the Anti-Christ’s sinful ways, are they going to Heaven or Hell?


Does eternal security of the believer mean that a saved person cannot backslide?


Is it possible for a Roman Catholic to be a born-again Christian and remain in the Catholic Church?


My friend, who is saved, is trying really hard to win her family over to Jesus, but they seem to be hardened.  She is praying for them and she’s feeling discouraged. Please, what help can you offer to her from Scripture?


I am a Christian, but I wonder what would happen to me if I die without confessing all my sins.


What is your position on altar calls?


Was John the Baptist saved while in his mother’s womb?  If so, does this happen today?


If a man who is not yet a born-again Christian is being attacked by a group of people who threaten him to deny Jesus Christ or else, they will kill him, but he refuses to deny Jesus Christ and they kill him. Will such a man make heaven for refusing to deny Jesus Christ even at the very point of death, though not yet a born-again Christian?


If someone professed to be saved but still leads a gay lifestyle does this keep them out of heaven? She is not giving up this sin. If so, are the rest of us in trouble because even though we’re born again we still sin?


Now that I am saved, do I still need to keep the law?


What is the order of salvation, repentance, baptism, and the receiving of the Holy Spirit?


According to Matthew 10:22, we have to endure until the end to be saved.  I am afraid I may get weak and not endure.  Will I lose my salvation if I do not endure properly?


If a child gets saved at Vacation Bible School, but never goes to church again while growing up and had no further Bible communication because the parent didn’t take them, is that child still saved as an adult until they find Jesus again?


Is Christianity only for Israelites?


Are non-trinitarian persons capable of being saved?


I have a pastor friend who told me since we are saved by the grace of God, and since everybody falls short of the glory of God and no one is righteous, even if we commit sin but have accepted Jesus Christ as personal savior, we are surely sure of our salvation, is that true?


If a person keeps running from God’s salvation, will He eventually quit dealing with them and turn them into having a reprobate mind?


Is it possible to deny or not know about the deity of Christ and still be saved as long as you trust Him as your savior?


What should I do if I feel like God gave up on me? What should I do if I feel like I don’t have emotions anymore? Can we lose salvation? When I was younger, I said the sinner’s prayer more times that I can remember.  I’ve been baptized at least 3 times. Why do I feel like God no longer convicts me of my sin? I feel so far away now. I don’t want to go to hell. I believe in Jesus, and I know He is God’s son who died and rose again to pay the price of our sin. Why then is it I feel like I have lost my salvation?


Why should I convert from Islam to Christianity?


Can you clarify a conversation I had with a friend? She said that Jews will get a pass from God and go to heaven.  I said that everyone can repent and accept Jesus as their Savior, but if they don’t, they won’t get to heaven.  Is there anywhere in the Bible that says the Jews will get into Heaven if they don’t accept Christ as the Son of God? 


At what point is a sin something that would keep a Christian from being raptured?


If the only way to God is Jesus, how did David get his forgiveness, and why can’t I get it the way David got it?
