You speak a lot about doctrines.  What is a doctrine?


I am nursing a child who was born without an anus. I am believing God for a miracle, but I feel like God has forgotten His promises and chose to let me suffer. What are your thoughts?


Do you believe in biblical inerrancy?


Please, what are the Headquarters in the Kingdom of God? I heard my pastor in a vision at night saying, “I have Headquarters. They are important.”


Paul often speaks about “my gospel”.  What does that mean?


I have read that AI is of the devil. What is your take on it and if we should not use it to make descriptions of products in a business?


I am getting my diploma in theology and Christian ministries. I am happy because I have a zeal to serve God and I am getting equipped to do that. I don’t know what kind of job I am going to get with a theology degree except being a pastor. Most full-time pastors in my country suffer financially. I understand that being a pastor is a divine calling and I am persuaded that God did call me to be one, but I will have a family one day and I must provide for them. What should I do?


Was Jesus Christ born on the 25th of December? Is Christmas a pagan holiday?


Do I have the right to take up arms and defend myself, or am I supposed to turn the other cheek no matter that situation?


Some accuse preachers of hate speech because they disagree with homosexuality and transgender.  Is that true?  What is hate speech?


Is depression in a Christian demonic? If so, why? Was David not suffering from depression? Why do Christians take medication for other ailments yet depression is considered demonic?


What exactly is Limited Atonement?  Is that a true teaching?


This year has been very hard for me.  As a Christian, how can I possibly praise God for the trials and tribulations I have been through?


How do I approach my Christian school that is celebrating Santa?


What is the difference between a young believer and a weak believer?  Are they the same?


Is there a difference between a sin and a fault?  Do I need to confess my faults to the Lord?


Our beloved pastor went home to heaven two months ago. We love him so much and we miss him every day. Is there a possibility that people in heaven can see what is happening on earth?


My parents have been divorced for 21 years now. I have always prayed to the Lord for a miracle upon my family, but it seems the Lord has forsaken me. I’m losing hope and faith at the moment. And the Lord seems to be blessing my dad more than my mom. I feel depressed and being drained with each passing day.


Is it possible that I could lose the rewards the Lord has already given to me?


My preacher said that Paul was the true replacement for Judas instead of Mathias.  What do you think?


Is Israel’s current situation with Palestine a sign of the 2nd Coming of Christ?


What will happen to the souls of the departed whose hearts are 100% devoted to Christ? What does it mean “and the dead in Christ shall rise first?” Does it mean the souls of those who died devoted to Christ are somewhere else waiting for Christ? What will happen to the souls of the wicked who are wantonly living in constant sin? Where do they go?


According to John Calvin, everything is under God’s control and authority, according to the will of God. By His authority Satan is curbed by His bridle. If God curbs Satan by His bridle, why did He allow him to tempt and bring evil to the world? If God works everything according to the counsel of His will, then where does free will of human beings stand?


Was the Church that the Apostles started in the book of Acts the Catholic church?


We have had a new Pastor for a month, so I don’t know him well. He wants us to start a Bible study on Henry Blackaby’s book “Experience God.” He says it is one of the best studies ever. My problem is I don’t agree with some of Mr. Blackaby’s teachings. I just don’t know what to do about the situation. Am I wrong in my assumptions that I would know more about God’s Word than two godly men who are Pastors? Would it be wrong to take the course even though I’m uncomfortable? Help please!
