I want to be more humble so I can be used of God.  How can I become more humble?


I have a question about the striking similarities in the Bible and in the studies of Astro-theology. I have been following both and as much as I would like to believe either, it’s proven to be very hard. I would appreciate it if you could tell me about the differences between the two.


What if a demon doesn’t listen to Satan, or decides to rebel against him, what would happen?  Could they die?  How does it work if they decide to rebel against Satan?


Can witnessing to others be a spiritual gift?


I would like to know how to start a meaningful conversation with a stranger about their salvation please. 


I never rejected the Lord but let the fleshly side of me do things that I had never wanted to do and for that reason I always felt that I had failed God and brought dishonor to His name similar to what King David did.  I have asked for forgiveness over and over because it grieves my soul/spirit so much.  From what I understand from scriptures on the link you provided God has forgiven me and never will forsake me because of my sin. Is this true?


What will happen to other religions who don’t believe in Jesus Christ? Religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. Are they going to Hell?


What is sin?


I recently heard a preacher say that he had “prayed faith” into someone else.  What does that mean?


Was John the Baptist saved even before being born?


As a believer in Christ are we able to have demons? Can we still be delivered, or once we are saved, will all the demons leave? I’ve seen and heard people being delivered. I don’t know if there were Christians or not.


Based on the Scriptures in Ecclesiastes 12:13, Matthew 5:17, Romans 3:31, Revelation 12:17 & 14:12 (and many more), I am of the understanding that the whole of Scripture is centered around the observance of the original instructions or what people call the Torah. This would complement the scripture where Christ is our sacrificial lamb, and our propitiation for sin, based on the violation of Torah, in which John expounds in his first epistle. Do you find this to be synonymous throughout Scripture?


A lot of people know you’re not to take the Lord’s name in vain, but I hear people continue to use other curse words and still think they’re not sinners!! What does the Bible say about that?


Did God ever show mercy to Lucifer when he fell?


Is there a curse on children who come from fornication?


We are supposed to love one another.  How do you love people you don’t necessarily like? Is this possible?


My pastor and church always end prayers by saying, “In the Name of Jesus” instead of “In the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.” Are they wrong or is that okay?


What is your position on abortion?


Does God allow His children to sing rap music?


How should a man be a real man that fears God and how should he live as a man?


How can you tell a real believer from a fake believer in the Church? I keep hearing this especially in the parable of the wheat and tares.


Will Jesus forgive the ignorant heathen like He did with those who crucified him in Luke 23:34?


QUESTION: Last night I dreamt of my late father. He was standing at the doorstep and the door behind him was open. I greeted him, “How are you Dad,” and he responded by saying, “I’m fine, I miss you.” I responded that “I miss you too.” What could be the Biblical meaning of this kind of a dream if there is any? It’s making me have lots of thoughts.


I am saved (Romans 10:9) but I need more of a love for prayer. Does God make us the way we are as far as our personalities?


Sometimes in church, our pastor gives a very touching and emotional sermon.  When I look around, I see and hear people crying.  But I don’t cry.  Does that mean I am hard-hearted towards the Lord?  I am saved and love God, but I just don’t have the emotions that others have.
