Is it right for Christians to be Forex traders?


What does the Bible say about dealing with toxic family members?


What’s wrong with embryonic stem cell research if people are helped by it? 


Aren’t there many sins in the Bible that are accepted today?  How can I know what is right and what is wrong?


Is family planning consistent with scriptures?


If I stood by and watched an old lady being mugged and did nothing about it, would I be guilty of sin?


I see so many Christians who drink alcohol, post articles with recipes about drinking. They brag about drinking with every meal and have full bars in their homes. One Christian man who is supported as a church’s missionary posted last week that whiskey on ice is waiting for you at my home! What are your thoughts on this?


Can a born-again Christian celebrate Halloween?  What is your advice to those who let their children celebrate this occasion?  How can a born-again Christian overcome the peer pressure that comes from friends on this occasion?


My brother, who is in his early twenties, is being supported by our parents.  He recently impregnated his girlfriend.  Our parents have taken in this girl and treat her like a daughter in law.  My brother does not help support his girlfriend.  This bothers me that my parents have allowed this.  What does the Bible say about this situation?


My mother is a widow and constantly speaks of inappropriate things. My husband says she’s evil. I have been very loving and helped her as much as I can always. My husband no longer can tolerate her. She has asked to come stay at our home because she can’t afford her electricity bill, and I have no idea if I should let her come or turn her away in order to keep my home at peace for my husband and daughter. Please help.


If a born-again believer gambles and wins one million dollars, and then decides to help poor people by lending them money to pay off their debts without any interest, is that still a sin? Since the LOVE of money is evil, and the person is not caught by greed and used the money for right things, is it still a sin?


Is it wrong for a Christian to be in dating apps and sites?


If you were employed and the money you were paid was not enough and you began stealing money from your employer every month to get wealth and after you left the job but still you have that money with you, but you confessed the sin of stealing. Is there any problem in still using the wealth at your house?


Please speak about racial inequality and injustice and what we should do as Christians.


I’m a Christian girl of 17 years and I feel like dating. What can I do?


Recently I lost my temper. It will forever be a wall between my daughter and me. I know what the bible says about losing your temper, being angry, holding grudges, etc. But, when we do, what then? How do you recover? What are the repercussions? How do we make it right?


Is it a right thing to work as a policeman when you’re a Christian?


A sister in Christ is pregnant without committing fornication nor adultery with any man. She was artificially inseminated because she was older and not married. Was this a sin?


Is it a sin if one intentionally does not have kids because of the condition of the world today?


Is it wrong to bet on football, praying one day I’ll win and be able to afford to go back to school?


Why should we dress very beautiful for church?


Should we stop letting our children wear superhero clothing?


What is the greatest sin recorded in the bible?


What does the Bible say about the clothes we wear? Is it okay for males to wear torn jeans and all sorts of jewels, etc.?


Does God honor tithes and offerings even though the money given comes from stealing and gambling? The giver gave the money in good faith.
