Why would a man treat his daughter like his wife and ignore his wife, but everything is about the young daughter?  No communication with his wife…always the daughter.  He tells her things he should be talking to his wife about.  He makes plans for him and her without inviting or asking his wife.


How do I, as a grandmother, treat my grandson and his husband who are gay when I see them? Do I invite them to my house for family meals? Do I shun them? I think I should continue to love them and to be a Christian as an example to them.


I am a born-again Christian. My cousins are still unbelievers and some of them are in a relationship with the same gender. I am constantly sharing with them the Word of God, but should I avoid associating with them?


What happens if a Christian partakes with other Christians living in adultery and fornication?


Having sex before marriage has become a norm in these days, but the Bible says, “no sex before marriage.” How can one redeem himself/herself from this?


Can my infirmities like continual lust and masturbation and hatred for those who persecute me diminish the ministry God has saved me to accomplish? Is it possible for the Lord to replace me because I sin every now and then? Because even when I fast, I break fasts before the end of days.


Is it against the Bible if my husband and I have oral sex?


If a homosexual claims to be a Christian and believes in Jesus, knows He died for our sins, rose in 3 days and sits at the right hand of God but refuses to repent from his life style, will that person go to Heaven?


Why do humans develop into gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders, especially in the light of what the bible says in Jeremiah 1:5?


Is it right for one to have sex with his late brother’s wife to avoid her going outside to have sex with other men?


Why is watching pornography a sin?


Does the spirit of Jezebel attack Christians? One lady who is regular to church takes part in communion and prays to God at home. But she has marriage issues. She looks fair and beautiful but she is having an affair with one of the believers who is in part-time ministry. Does God deliver from the Jezebel spirit?


When an adult child is living in adultery with a person who has small children, and this child is wanting family to overlook that sin…what does one do? I know we are to forgive. We are also not to accept sin into our homes.


If King Solomon was so full of wisdom then why did he have so many women?


There is a guy from church who wants to pursue a relationship with me but the problem I am facing is that it seems like our relationship is based on lust. Should I walk away or should I sit down with him and talk about all of this?


How can you say that an adulterer can be forgiven when Galatians 5:19-21 says adulterers will go to hell?


What does the bible say about having children out of wedlock? And how is it supposed to be handled in the house of God?


What are the consequences for committing adultery? Is there a difference if one committed this sin before knowing the Lord and after knowing the Lord?


Is it an act of sexual immorality if a man caresses his girlfriend’s body without sex?


Will God accept the service of a Christian who is living in a consensual sexual relationship? Is their salvation still secure in this kind of situation?


Should a Christian go to a church that accepts homosexuality?


God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. What were the sins of these two cities?


My daughter believes Jesus is the son of God, and reads and knows the bible and says she is living her life by the bible. She has 4 children with the same man. She says she is married in God’s eyes and doesn’t need a legal paper marriage. Is she living in sin? Will she go to Heaven?


What does the bible say about relationships before marriage?


Please tell me how to stop pornography?
