What is the obligation in a marriage if one of the partners becomes a believer while the other one is not a believer?


Was Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8 saved?


If we do not honor our parents according to Ephesians 6:2-3, will we have a short life and things never being well for us?


Please explain what a yokefellow is.


Can you tell me what Romans 6:7 means?


Is it a sin if I don’t associate with a family member because they live a life of using people for what they can get like freeloading, lies and no matter how many times you try to help them they don’t take any advice you give them to change their lifestyle? They keep putting themselves in the same bad situations.


Please explain Galatians 6:14 for me. I just want to understand how one can glory in the Cross of Christ.


What is the “foolishness of God” and the “weakness of God” in 1 Corinthians 1:25?


In the list of the fruit of the Spirit, what is the Greek word for love? Is it man-ward or God-ward? 


Can you explain Galatian 4:19 about Christ being formed in us?


What can you tell me about the Bereans in the Bible? 


Please explain 1st Corinthians 2:6-10.


Please explain Romans 8:12. I am a Christian.  My sister (a very wicked person) and my brother hate me. I asked them for forgiveness, and at the same time I forgave them without reason, because I do not want to justify myself.  Please help me.


Is it true that God doesn’t put more on you than you can handle? Is this actually in the Bible?


Now that I am saved, do I still need to keep the law?


According to the Scriptures, believers are advised against forming close relationships with non-believers. Does this principle apply to one’s own family, in the case of having unbelieving relatives? I experience frustration and oppression within my family, which raises concerns about the potential negative impact on my spiritual life. I would prefer not to abandon the progress I have made in my spiritual journey, and as the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure.” It seems necessary to distance myself from any activities or behaviors that the enemy may exploit to disrupt my spiritual well-being.


Can you explain Ephesians 6:13 where it says, “having done all, to stand.”?


I’m having a battle between the flesh and the spirit. My flesh is always giving in to evil desires while my spirit is always willing to do what is good. How can I overcome the desires of my flesh?


Can you give me your thoughts on 2 Corinthians 7:9-11?  How much or how deep is the sorrow different for each emotional feeling?


What did Paul mean in Romans 9:3 when he said that he wanted to be “cursed”?


According to 1 Corinthians 4:5, are we to judge and condemn the false churches or wait for the appointed time when the Lord comes?


Can you share with me about the woman named Phoebe?


In 1 Corinthians 7:1-5, does that mean that a wife cannot refuse her husband’s sexual advances?  Is the wife required to have sex every time her husband wants it?


What did Paul mean when He said to live is Christ, and to die is gain in Philippians 1?


Can you explain when Apollos received the Holy Spirit?
