Were the apostles members of the bride of Christ?


Does belonging to the “church” or “the body of Christ” mean we should be a member of a church?


Is it biblical to sow seeds and pay tithes?  I hear some pastors say that for a person to stop being poor or living in poverty, they have to sow a seed of money to the church.  Was this practiced in the early church?


What are the questions asked for ordination of a preacher?  What happens in an ordination service?


My gift is to lead praise and worship with my music ministry. However, some churches require me to be a member to participate. Why do I need a piece of paper to serve God? Surely the fact that I am a part of the church makes me a member. Is a membership certificate going to make me more committed to God than I already am? Funny that one doesn’t have to be a member of the church to give your tithes and offerings but yet to serve and exercise your gift in church one will need a membership certificate.


One pastor said that in his church anybody can take communion…children, visitors, anyone. I don’t think that’s how it is supposed to be.  2 – I visited a church and at the end of the service they gave me the bread and the wine (juice) to do it at home. They didn’t even know if I was converted to Christ.  Is that right?  3 – If a couple is not married but have accepted Jesus as savior, can they take the Lord’s Communion or must they get married first before doing Communion?


I really need to know…what are the qualities of a good church?


Should I feel guilty about not going to church?


Will the rapture be silent? From the Bible verses it sounds like it won’t be. Christ will descend with a shout. The videos I watch make it seem like the world will be horrified and scared and no one will know where their loved ones went. They portray planes and vehicles crashing, food on stove burning up, and the world will blame it on aliens and such. Won’t people know that the rapture occurred? Another question: What would happen to my pets if I am raptured?


What does the Bible say about Christians celebrating anniversaries for their departed loved ones? Is the church allowed to preside over such celebrations?


Can you explain how the New Testament uses the word “church,” as in Christ’s comment “on this rock I will build my church”?


At the marriage supper of the Lamb, who is the bride and who are the guests?


Do you think the church is overemphasizing the epistles of Paul and underemphasizing the Gospels?


Is there a difference between the gifts mentioned in Ephesians and the gifts of the Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians?


Do you think children of the unsaved who are under the age of accountability will be raptured with the Church?


Should we continue to stay in our liberal church teaching the Word of God, or should we find a church which is more in line with our beliefs?


Is the Rapture revealed only by Paul, especially when he said, “I shew you a mystery” in 1st Corinthians 15? Were Rapture verses supported only by the letters written by Paul?


I have a family member that goes to a Church of Christ church. She said the Bible says to only go to that church, not a Baptist, Methodist, etc. Also, not to have instruments such as a piano. If this is true, are there scriptures in the Bible to verify this? What is your take on why they believe on going to only a Church of Christ denomination?


Please, are smaller groups like youth fellowship, women’s fellowship, choirs, sisters’ fellowship, and the like in churches today consistent with scriptures?


In dealing with church discipline why does Paul call for one to be turned over to Satan?


When God says there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth, what does that mean for that journey from the Rapture to Heaven’s gates? Will we be reincarnated on the New Earth, or with our newly made bodies live out the rest of our days in both Heaven and Earth?


I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. My whole body was buried under the water. Am I considered to be a child of God? Must I be baptized in Jesus’ name? Christ said to go into the world and baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I did that. What am I to the kingdom of God now?


Will our new bodies be like those of Adam and Eve after the creation and before the fall?


I would like to know more about the Lord’s Supper.


Can you explain, in order, how the Rapture occurs?
