My husband and I have been married for 13 years. He has never shown any interest in sex with me, but I catch him watching pornography. I feel so unfulfilled and unloved. I’m trying to be a good Christian in every aspect of my life. Am I right, scripturally, in wanting to leave him as long as I don’t remarry? Is porn considered adultery? Is this emotional abuse?


Is it possible for a young pure believer who has an aggressive mindset of not sleeping with anyone to be in a room with his partner without sleeping with her?


What can you say about telling a white lie?


How can I resist certain temptations when the temptation to sin is so strong?


How much freedom does God give us in doing what we want in life?


I live in my boyfriend’s house.  We do not sleep together, and we don’t sleep in the same room.  I have repented of sex before marriage and am encouraging him to, as well.  Is it still a sin even for me to stay in this house even though we won’t touch each other until we are married?


What does the Bible say about those who appear to be spiritually on fire but are still lustful? Is it possible to be lustful and still be in one accord with the Holy Spirit?


Is it correct for a believer in Christ to lie about their true age so as to be favored in a job, admission qualification, etc.?


Please! Please! Please! help me understand whether it’s wrong or right to be a nice guy. This is because I have noticed from my experiences and observing the world around me that people don’t respect, appreciate or even like nice guys unless they need something from them.  I really feel like I have been lied to as a man. The toxic, rebellious, uncaring, aggressive, and lewd people get all the respect and adoration even by fellow believing Christians. So why even bother????


Why is it that people that are living for the devil are so blessed and I, God’s child, have to struggle so much. I need to know scripture to let me know why this is happening because I am about to the point of giving up and start living like everyone else.


Is it bad to ask God to remove a negative person from your life whose actions have a negative impact on a person’s life? Does that make me a bad person?


I’m having a hard time understanding how much evil in this world is allowed and how does a Christian keep his faith?


Is being a DJ or manager for a DJ that obviously goes to night clubs, also known as the devil’s house, and also producing music that is not Godly (by Godly I mean not the gospel of God. Is this the gift that God gave me or is it a gift from the devil?


I already accepted the Lord Jesus a few years back. A lot has happened in my life, but now I’m still a slave to sin. It feels like I am becoming worse.


I just read a post about a woman asking how she can strike a balance of spending time with her unbeliever friend. My question is how about a husband that was a believer. He had at one time during our married believed, but for the past several years, he does not.


Why won’t the root of sin be uprooted totally after pouring my heart to God and begging him to forgive? Why do I still get involved in that sin, because I hate myself for that?


I am a born again Christian and I really love God. I have a gift of preaching and a very great spirit of worship ‘singing.’ But I have a problem of drinking alcohol. How can I stop? Please help me.


How do I get rid of anger and bitterness?


How can one overcome alcohol addiction?


I’m a believer and I’m really interested in this person, but I found out today that this person is a transgender (female to male). I’m really conflicted right now and honestly having anxiety because I started to like this person. What do I do?


Why is it that when you become born again, you face more temptation than before?


If I had a troubled past and applying for a better job depended on a background check, am I supposed to have faith and believe that God will intervene and allow the background check to pass, or am I tempting God by expecting that?


How can a born again Christian deal with the secret that holds him back, controls him and he doesn’t know how to come out of it?


Does sin come only from the devil or from the world, the flesh, and the devil?


Are beauty pageants acceptable to God? If the contestants are believers on the Lord Jesus Christ, why do they expose so much of their skin, being stared at and enjoyed by men and women too?
