Does eternal security of the believer mean that a saved person cannot backslide?


I am a Christian, but I wonder what would happen to me if I die without confessing all my sins.


According to Matthew 10:22, we have to endure until the end to be saved.  I am afraid I may get weak and not endure.  Will I lose my salvation if I do not endure properly?


If a child gets saved at Vacation Bible School, but never goes to church again while growing up and had no further Bible communication because the parent didn’t take them, is that child still saved as an adult until they find Jesus again?


I have a pastor friend who told me since we are saved by the grace of God, and since everybody falls short of the glory of God and no one is righteous, even if we commit sin but have accepted Jesus Christ as personal savior, we are surely sure of our salvation, is that true?


Is it possible to deny or not know about the deity of Christ and still be saved as long as you trust Him as your savior?


What should I do if I feel like God gave up on me? What should I do if I feel like I don’t have emotions anymore? Can we lose salvation? When I was younger, I said the sinner’s prayer more times that I can remember.  I’ve been baptized at least 3 times. Why do I feel like God no longer convicts me of my sin? I feel so far away now. I don’t want to go to hell. I believe in Jesus, and I know He is God’s son who died and rose again to pay the price of our sin. Why then is it I feel like I have lost my salvation?


At what point is a sin something that would keep a Christian from being raptured?


What would you say to someone who says that they can do whatever they want because once saved always saved?


Do we need deliverance after being born again when we have demons?


The Bible says that if I believe in Jesus’ name, I am saved from my sins. What will happen if I continue to be a sinner despite of my belief in Him? Does this mean that my faith is void and I should go to hell? What will also happen to a Christian who backslides? Does this mean that he/she will go to hell?


I’ve been a Christian for 10 years but due to a repetitive sin in my life I am losing my faith in the existence of God. Can someone who was on fire for God lose their salvation and if so, how can it be restored?


With Scriptural references, can you please explain to me the term ‘backsliding’? Does it lead to Hell or cause a Christian to lose his/her salvation?


Why do I still fear the coming of the Lord? I have asked for forgiveness for my sins and repented. Am I doing something wrong?


I’ve done so much bad stuff in my life, but I repented and confessed all my sins to the Lord and accepted Him as my Lord and savior. Will my name be in the Book Of Life one day when I stand before the Lord in judgement?


In light of Galatians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 10:5-6, and Hebrews 3:18, how can you teach that eternal salvation is guaranteed, no matter what?


If a saved person doesn’t believe in God anymore, are they still saved and going to heaven?


Why is it that a redeemed person who believes in God and believes in His name can still be in danger of condemnation?


If a saved person becomes an IDOL/ARTIST/PUBLIC FIGURE on a National TV Show, is he/she going to be saved despite being used by Satan as a tool to deceive people?


Once our names are written in the book of life, is there any possibility of them being taken out?


Is every born again Christian going to heaven?


What is deliverance and the purpose of it in one’s life?


Hebrews 6:4-6 scares me. I thought I was saved in 1988. I went back to my old ways until I hit rock bottom in 2002. I feel saved now but after reading this I fear for my salvation. Please help me. I really need to know what this verse means.


Psalms 69:28 says, “Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.” Is it possible to have our names blotted out of the Lamb’s book of life?


You spoke earlier about eternal security, but didn’t Judas lose his salvation when he hung himself?
