Is it correct to say, “Universal Church” or just “Local Church?” Can you explain what the Bible says or what is written about this in the Bible?


Were the apostles members of the bride of Christ?


Does belonging to the “church” or “the body of Christ” mean we should be a member of a church?


Is it biblical to sow seeds and pay tithes?  I hear some pastors say that for a person to stop being poor or living in poverty, they have to sow a seed of money to the church.  Was this practiced in the early church?


What does the Bible say about Christians celebrating anniversaries for their departed loved ones? Is the church allowed to preside over such celebrations?


At the marriage supper of the Lamb, who is the bride and who are the guests?


Do you think the church is overemphasizing the epistles of Paul and underemphasizing the Gospels?


Should we continue to stay in our liberal church teaching the Word of God, or should we find a church which is more in line with our beliefs?


When did clergy first appear as professionals in church history?


Does 1 Corinthians 11:22 teach that we should not have meals in church?


I was wondering why the church is considered as her?


I’d like to know your take on discipleship. Do we have to be “rooted” in a “church” to be considered a disciple? Or can we be an active believer as THE church with our livelihood?


Is the universal church the body of Christ?


Are the Old Testament believers a part of the church, the bride of Christ?


In my country, the safest churches are the traditional churches like the Pentecostals, Presbyterians, and Evangelicals, yet they encourage TONGUE SPEAKING, HAVE WOMEN PREACHERS and INSTITUTE TITHING. How are we to perceive these churches when they are our best option for joining a bible believing church instead of a one-man charismatic church?


What should be the type of music a church must use? Because I don’t really know why some churches use CCM and some also combine godly or Biblical lyrics with a rock-like music which is not quite accurate. What really is the standard of God concerning the music a church must use?


Should a church participate in fund raising?


I have noticed that most believers in my church whenever they pay their tithe offering would attach a petition (through prayer) as they stand with envelopes before the man of God as he blesses their offering. Is it biblical to do this or should we only attach a petition when we do seed offering?


What is the difference between a church and a temple?


Who is supposed to establish churches? Is it an evangelist, an apostle, a pastor, or a prophet?


Can a woman be a pastor of a church?


How do we know the Lord is sending His divine discipline to the Church?


Am I right to say that an externally-focused ministry must think about the kingdom, and not have a church mindset?


Do people have the gift of God before they are saved?


How in this day and age can I, as a member of the body of Christ, deal with the pride and self-righteousness lurking in the church?
