What is the significance of the number 40 in the Bible?


Can a Christian attend a Jewish Shabbat service?


Why is it so important to read my Bible every day?


Were Jesus’ disciples baptized?


You speak a lot about doctrines.  What is a doctrine?


Do you believe in biblical inerrancy?


Please, what are the Headquarters in the Kingdom of God? I heard my pastor in a vision at night saying, “I have Headquarters. They are important.”


Paul often speaks about “my gospel”.  What does that mean?


Do I have the right to take up arms and defend myself, or am I supposed to turn the other cheek no matter that situation?


Some accuse preachers of hate speech because they disagree with homosexuality and transgender.  Is that true?  What is hate speech?


What exactly is Limited Atonement?  Is that a true teaching?


Is it possible that I could lose the rewards the Lord has already given to me?


Is Israel’s current situation with Palestine a sign of the 2nd Coming of Christ?


Where in the bible does it say that the devil knows the bible?


What is expiation and propitiation? 


We know the disciples when they all died went to be with Jesus. We know their role on earth was to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ our savior. What is their role in heaven?


I believe by keeping only the Bible in my heart I can be saved without knowing any other books written by men, whether they be pastors or philosophers or theologians.  Please correct me if I am wrong.


You often use the New King James Version. Do you think this is better than the KJV?


If you were talking to someone who claimed that they didn’t believe in God, what would your argument be that He does exist?


Is there anything in Scripture that can direct us believers on how to treat illegal immigrants? Do we accept them or reject them based on the laws of man?


Do you think that too many people are following preachers instead of Christ and His Word?


Will the Bible still remain on earth during the Tribulation?


I know the Bible is inerrant, but which version is actually perfect?


I have a question about the striking similarities in the Bible and in the studies of Astro-theology. I have been following both and as much as I would like to believe either, it’s proven to be very hard. I would appreciate it if you could tell me about the differences between the two.


Based on the Scriptures in Ecclesiastes 12:13, Matthew 5:17, Romans 3:31, Revelation 12:17 & 14:12 (and many more), I am of the understanding that the whole of Scripture is centered around the observance of the original instructions or what people call the Torah. This would complement the scripture where Christ is our sacrificial lamb, and our propitiation for sin, based on the violation of Torah, in which John expounds in his first epistle. Do you find this to be synonymous throughout Scripture?
