I have a question about the striking similarities in the Bible and in the studies of Astro-theology. I have been following both and as much as I would like to believe either, it’s proven to be very hard. I would appreciate it if you could tell me about the differences between the two.


Based on the Scriptures in Ecclesiastes 12:13, Matthew 5:17, Romans 3:31, Revelation 12:17 & 14:12 (and many more), I am of the understanding that the whole of Scripture is centered around the observance of the original instructions or what people call the Torah. This would complement the scripture where Christ is our sacrificial lamb, and our propitiation for sin, based on the violation of Torah, in which John expounds in his first epistle. Do you find this to be synonymous throughout Scripture?


A lot of people know you’re not to take the Lord’s name in vain, but I hear people continue to use other curse words and still think they’re not sinners!! What does the Bible say about that?


Was there a particular nation or tribe that God chose to love and protect?


How can we follow the bible way of investing money or any topics about being money wise in the bible?  For example, some of Solomon’s proverbs explaining how to work with money.


Does the Bible say that Hell is seven times hotter than any fire on earth?


What does the Bible say about the age of accountability?  Is it 12 years old?


Can you explain who brings the disasters upon the world such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes? Is it God or Satan since he is ruling the world?


What is the difference between the Major Prophets and the Minor Prophets?


What does the Bible say about going to a bar just to dance with your wife and friends?


Are 501c3 churches biblical by being tax exempt?  I believe it enables the Federal Government to keep churches out of politics and to preach what should be done publicly.


I know parables are earthly stories with heavenly meanings. Please, are these stories real life stories?


Does the Bible say that a pastor cannot do any other job to support his family? Are the priests in the Old Testament and pastors in the New Testament the same or not?


What is Reformed Theology?


Are we living in the last days?


Where in the Bible does it speak of marijuana? It is called by another name. I have read it before but can’t recall where the scripture is.


Should men use the title “Reverend”?


What is a synagogue in the Bible?


Is the numerical difference in 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 a contradiction?


Did the Apostle Paul get the message of the Gospel from Jesus Christ on Mount Sinai, just like Moses got the Ten commandments from Mount Sinai, or did Paul go to heaven to get the gospel from Jesus? Paul said he was caught up to the third heaven.


I have heard somewhere that the word Christian is not godly since it was the pagans that introduced this word when they were addressing followers of Christ.  Is it wrong for a believer or follower of Christ to call yourself a Christian?


I would like to know more about what the Bible teaches.


How many years was Paul in prison?


What does the Bible say about the vaccine? I choose NOT to take it. What about COVID and Blood Transfusions?


Your organization seems to be very accurate and sound. What ideology does your resources follow?”
