I am a Christian, but I wonder what would happen to me if I die without confessing all my sins.


You speak a lot about doctrines.  What is a doctrine?


Why does Ezekiel 42:20 refer to a profane place in the temple?


I am nursing a child who was born without an anus. I am believing God for a miracle, but I feel like God has forgotten His promises and chose to let me suffer. What are your thoughts?


Can you explain the difference between a “sin” and “transgression” used in 1 John 3:4?


Can you please explain what happened to the descendants of Cain? Did they intermingle with Seth’s lineage and survive Noah’s flood or are only Seth’s line our ancestors?


Do you believe in biblical inerrancy?


Please, what are the Headquarters in the Kingdom of God? I heard my pastor in a vision at night saying, “I have Headquarters. They are important.”


Paul often speaks about “my gospel”.  What does that mean?


What is the obligation in a marriage if one of the partners becomes a believer while the other one is not a believer?


What is your position on altar calls?


My husband and I have been married for 13 years. He has never shown any interest in sex with me, but I catch him watching pornography. I feel so unfulfilled and unloved. I’m trying to be a good Christian in every aspect of my life. Am I right, scripturally, in wanting to leave him as long as I don’t remarry? Is porn considered adultery? Is this emotional abuse?


What is the meaning of the name of Boaz in the book of Ruth?


If the Holy Spirit is God, did God manifest Himself as a dove when Jesus was being baptized?


What was Jesus illustrating in Mark 2 when He spoke of a new patch on an old garment or new wine in an old wine skin?


My gift is to lead praise and worship with my music ministry. However, some churches require me to be a member to participate. Why do I need a piece of paper to serve God? Surely the fact that I am a part of the church makes me a member. Is a membership certificate going to make me more committed to God than I already am? Funny that one doesn’t have to be a member of the church to give your tithes and offerings but yet to serve and exercise your gift in church one will need a membership certificate.


Was Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8 saved?


I have read that AI is of the devil. What is your take on it and if we should not use it to make descriptions of products in a business?


Should we understand the events of John 5:28-29 to be literal?


Why did Moses have to keep his arms raised in prayer during a battle?


One pastor said that in his church anybody can take communion…children, visitors, anyone. I don’t think that’s how it is supposed to be.  2 – I visited a church and at the end of the service they gave me the bread and the wine (juice) to do it at home. They didn’t even know if I was converted to Christ.  Is that right?  3 – If a couple is not married but have accepted Jesus as savior, can they take the Lord’s Communion or must they get married first before doing Communion?


I am getting my diploma in theology and Christian ministries. I am happy because I have a zeal to serve God and I am getting equipped to do that. I don’t know what kind of job I am going to get with a theology degree except being a pastor. Most full-time pastors in my country suffer financially. I understand that being a pastor is a divine calling and I am persuaded that God did call me to be one, but I will have a family one day and I must provide for them. What should I do?


How could Mark write one of the Gospels when it seems he never even met Jesus?


In Luke 1:18-20, Zacharias was silenced because he didn’t believe and questioned how it would be possible to have a son since he and his wife were old and his wife. In Luke 1:34, Mary also questioned how she could have a son. Why was Zacharias silenced and Mary wasn’t? Did Mary believe and just didn’t understand?


Should the rest that God took in Genesis 2:2 be taken literally?
