How do we put God first in our lives?


Is it pride or self-conceit to make myself a lord, king, priest and god? It seems to be a small thing for men to make himself an apostle, pastor, teacher, evangelist or bishop and they boast in these things.


How do I keep my eyes on my own walk with the Lord? It seems like everyone in my church has it all together while I am struggling.


I believe that I was cursed in my mother’s womb as I was not planned, and she tried to abort me. My life has been totally different to that of my siblings. Most of my relationships have been abusive and I have never known true love. On her deathbed she told my brother that she had sold her soul to the devil at the age of 16. Many have prayed for me, but things are still going so wrong in my life and I don’t believe that the curse has been broken. Please let me know your learned answer to this.


How do we truly commit ourselves to God? I know we should study His Word, have faith, keep His commandments, but I need instruction on how to truly commit to God daily.


Do you believe that all Christians can have financial security?


I am getting my diploma in theology and Christian ministries. I am happy because I have a zeal to serve God and I am getting equipped to do that. I don’t know what kind of job I am going to get with a theology degree except being a pastor. Most full-time pastors in my country suffer financially. I understand that being a pastor is a divine calling and I am persuaded that God did call me to be one, but I will have a family one day and I must provide for them. What should I do?


What is the difference between a young believer and a weak believer?  Are they the same?


What will happen to the souls of the departed whose hearts are 100% devoted to Christ? What does it mean “and the dead in Christ shall rise first?” Does it mean the souls of those who died devoted to Christ are somewhere else waiting for Christ? What will happen to the souls of the wicked who are wantonly living in constant sin? Where do they go?


I like helping people, especially those of the household of faith, I don’t know how to say “NO” whenever someone asks for help. But I just think those people especially of the household of faith have become manipulative because of the gesture I show. What should I do that will not harm anyone and continue to give glory to God?


How do you know if God is calling you to the ministry?


As a Christian and an American, how patriotic should I be?


Is there a difference between the faith that comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God in Romans 10:17 and the faith as a gift of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:22?


I want to be more humble so I can be used of God.  How can I become more humble?


I would like to know how to start a meaningful conversation with a stranger about their salvation please. 


I recently heard a preacher say that he had “prayed faith” into someone else.  What does that mean?


Was John the Baptist saved even before being born?


How should a man be a real man that fears God and how should he live as a man?


How can you tell a real believer from a fake believer in the Church? I keep hearing this especially in the parable of the wheat and tares.


Sometimes in church, our pastor gives a very touching and emotional sermon.  When I look around, I see and hear people crying.  But I don’t cry.  Does that mean I am hard-hearted towards the Lord?  I am saved and love God, but I just don’t have the emotions that others have.


What about people who describe supernatural events and something ‘ghostly?’ There is a story in which a person heard a voice of a loved one saying she was ok and a candle came on. Things like this really confuse me. If I were to hear or see something like this, I would automatically think it was demonic because of current media. How do I know the difference? Do you have any insight for me?


What should a Christian’s work ethic be in the workplace?


How does one love Jesus? How does a man love another man?


What is righteousness and how do we acquire it?


How do you serve the Lord?
