Do you think the Old Testament saints were indwelt with the Holy Spirit?


When does the Holy Spirit enter the life of a believer?


If the Holy Spirit is God, did God manifest Himself as a dove when Jesus was being baptized?


Why did the apostles have to wait for the Spirit in Jerusalem when He was already at work in the world throughout the Old Testament?


Why is the Holy Spirit called the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ? Is it the same?


Please explain how the Spirit of God moved in Genesis 1:2.


Did the Holy Spirit indwell prophets and priests in the Old Testament?


Is the Holy Spirit the Power of God or the Power of Jesus?


Did the Holy Spirit indwell prophets and priests in the Old Testament?


What does it mean to be slain in the Spirit?


Is there any relationship between the Holy Spirit and intuition or instinct?


Is it possible to be a born-again believer and never be filled with the Holy Spirit?


Can someone curse a person who has the Holy Spirit in them? Does having bad luck mean you are cursed?


I know that Jesus received the Holy Spirit when He was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Did Jesus have the indwelling of The Holy Spirit as a child prior to being baptized?


Can the Holy Spirit reconnect you to your love ones who have passed away?


What are the main differences in the role of the Holy Spirit and angels? Are we to pray to or converse to either one or acknowledge them by asking the father to let them know anything?


How can we know that it is the Holy Spirit that is working in our lives and not just our mere conscience?


What if you cannot show a gift of the spirit in your life?


I have a question about these lyrics: “Spirit come, breathe on us. Spirit come, breathe on us. Spirit come, (would You) breathe on us.” Can we command the Holy Spirit to come to us?


What is the difference between the manifestation of the Spirit, fruit of the Spirit and being filled with the Spirit?


What is a difference between the Holy Spirit coming upon someone and the Holy Spirit dwelling within someone?


What is the Holy Ghost Fire used for? Is it right for believers to use the ‘Holy Ghost Fire’ in their prayers against demonic forces?


We believe we are indwelt with the Spirit at the time we accept Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, but in Acts 8:15 the Apostles had to pray or lay hands on people to get the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit came, but in Acts 8:16, the Holy Spirit had not yet come on them though they had believed in Jesus Christ. Please explain.


Is baptism of the Holy Spirit the key to salvation, like in the case of Cornelius?


Was Adam filled with the Holy Ghost?
