Could you explain Hebrews 11:6b and the meaning of diligently seeking God?


Is the wearing of long garments by those called bishops and the priests still relevant today?


Please explain Titus 3:5. What is regeneration?


What does the chastisement of the Lord in Hebrews 12:5-7 mean?


Could you help me understand Hebrews 10:31?


What does the application of 1 Timothy 5:8 look like?  How is that put into practice in a person’s life if a disability keeps them from being able to work?


Do you know if being a church leader (pastor, deacon, elder, group leader) is a calling or a career choice? Should someone take on these positions because they are told they should by others (using Hebrews 5:12) or because they feel called by God? Should every believer want to or aim for these positions even if they don’t feel called by God?


What is the meaning of Hebrews 2:14-15? Does Satan hold the power of death?


Please explain what Titus 1:15 means.


Can you explain 1 Timothy 4:1-5?  Who are these people who have departed from the faith and now teach strange things?  Are they a cult?


Where in the Bible does it talk about Jesus being on the right side of God?


How can the dead in Christ go immediately to heaven upon death when 1 Thessalonians 4 seems to teach otherwise?


I have a question about 2 Timothy 4:7. Paul said, “I have done my best in the race, I have run the full distance, and I have kept the faith.” How can one know that he has run the full distance like Paul knew?


I have a question regarding Hebrews 1:9 on the part that says “God, your God.” Does that mean God also has a God?


What does the Bible say about the miracle of raising the dead to life? It is written that “It has been appointed unto man once to die after that the judgment.” Does it mean that those who were raised from the dead were actually dead or fainted, and if they were actually dead, will they still die again?


Can you explain Paul’s teaching on widows in 1 Timothy 5:3-6?


Please explain 1 Corinthians 15:51 compared with Hebrews 9:27.


What exactly does Hebrews 10:26 mean? If I willingly tell a lie to spare someone’s feelings, then knowingly ask for forgiveness, is that bad?


Please explain what ‘without natural affection’ means in 2 Timothy 3:3.


How can we encourage others without flattering them?


Please explain 1 Thessalonians 4:11.


Is it true that the Spirt of Man has three parts: #1 conscience, #2 fellowship, and #3 direct feelings? What does the Bible say about this?


What are the unshakable and shakable things indicated in Hebrews 12:27?


Was Jesus a ransom for many or a ransom for all? (Matthew 20:28 and 1 Timothy 2:6).


Can you explain how a person has no respect to God as it says in Romans 2:11?
