Will there be children born during the Tribulation Period?


Will the rapture be silent? From the Bible verses it sounds like it won’t be. Christ will descend with a shout. The videos I watch make it seem like the world will be horrified and scared and no one will know where their loved ones went. They portray planes and vehicles crashing, food on stove burning up, and the world will blame it on aliens and such. Won’t people know that the rapture occurred? Another question: What would happen to my pets if I am raptured?


Do you think children of the unsaved who are under the age of accountability will be raptured with the Church?


Is the Rapture revealed only by Paul, especially when he said, “I shew you a mystery” in 1st Corinthians 15? Were Rapture verses supported only by the letters written by Paul?


When God says there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth, what does that mean for that journey from the Rapture to Heaven’s gates? Will we be reincarnated on the New Earth, or with our newly made bodies live out the rest of our days in both Heaven and Earth?


Will our new bodies be like those of Adam and Eve after the creation and before the fall?


Can you explain, in order, how the Rapture occurs?


During Christ’s Millennial Reign, will people live in peace and harmony?


Is Matthew 24:40-41 speaking about the Rapture?


I have a question about the day of resurrection. Is it one resurrection? After the resurrection, victorious believers reign with Christ (Rev. 20:4); how about those who weren’t resurrected? Is there a second batch or another resurrection for believers?


After the rapture of the church and on that moment of giving the rewards, will God show every deed, bad or good, before everyone else to watch or witness?


How can the dead in Christ go immediately to heaven upon death when 1 Thessalonians 4 seems to teach otherwise?


In 2 Peter 3:10 is the “day of the Lord” talking about the Rapture?


Are the signs of the Second Coming or going home being fulfilled?


Can you please explain why there are different beliefs on the Rapture?


Where will the raptured be during millennial reign and what will we be doing during that time?


In Revelation 3:10 is the word “to keep you” referring to the Rapture? If we read that verse in the New Living Translation it says “I will protect you.”


Are we living in the last days?


Can you explain how it is that the Rapture comes before the Tribulation, but it says in Revelation 20:4-5 that the first resurrection is after the Tribulation?


Do you believe the rapture will happen during the feast of trumpets?


Many pre-trib rapture believers say the rapture occurs at the last trumpet sound (7th trumpet). This makes the rapture to take place during the tribulation. I’m really confused. Also, there are many people who teach only a few Christians will be raptured and the majority will be left behind. In my understanding, all “saved” Christians who are sealed by the Holy Spirit will be raptured. Am I missing something here?


Our church will not teach on eschatology because they call that an open-ended issue. I believe prophesy and the end times are a large part of the Bible and should be taught. What are your thoughts on this issue?


Do you believe God has already returned?


Why do people feel the need to do horrible things when they know Jesus Christ will return again?


How will our bodies meet Jesus in the clouds if we were cremated?
