I am a Baptist, and my husband is Roman Catholic. When we were first married neither of us cared about our differences but after having three children, I started taking our kids to my church and he decided to take them to his church too. We are now arguing over our different beliefs (I believe what the Bible says, and he believes what the Roman Catholic church teaches him). The Bible says, “It is better to obey God rather than men” and my husband is unwilling to listen to my beliefs. Is there any end in sight to this turmoil in our family and what should I do as a wife?


Why would a man treat his daughter like his wife and ignore his wife, but everything is about the young daughter?  No communication with his wife…always the daughter.  He tells her things he should be talking to his wife about.  He makes plans for him and her without inviting or asking his wife.


Is it right for Christians to be Forex traders?


I have heard of people marrying as a business transaction (like for citizen documentation). Even some marriages don’t last because it seemed to not have had love but other interests. Can you please share your biblical knowledge whether God honors or approves these marriages or not?


Should a man be jealous for his wife when the Bible teaches that love is not jealous?


In our church the Lord is bringing in a lot of 11th hour workers.  However, the Pastor’s wife and the Deacon’s wife always find a way to squash the new gifts that come in. They have been serving the Lord for over 20 years. It’s like they get jealous and envy new gifts or ones that are better than their children’s.  Why is this?


My husband and I have been married for 13 years. He has never shown any interest in sex with me, but I catch him watching pornography. I feel so unfulfilled and unloved. I’m trying to be a good Christian in every aspect of my life. Am I right, scripturally, in wanting to leave him as long as I don’t remarry? Is porn considered adultery? Is this emotional abuse?


Is it possible for a young pure believer who has an aggressive mindset of not sleeping with anyone to be in a room with his partner without sleeping with her?


What can you say about telling a white lie?


What does the Bible say about dealing with toxic family members?


Please, what does the Bible say about this? I have failed to give my heart completely to the woman I have married, and I have a child with her, but my feelings are still with the first person I had an affair with, but things never worked out.


What are some of the reasons for failed marriages?


How can I resist certain temptations when the temptation to sin is so strong?


What’s wrong with embryonic stem cell research if people are helped by it? 


How much freedom does God give us in doing what we want in life?


Please explain Matthew 19:7-8 with emphasis on the process of getting the certificate of divorce.


Aren’t there many sins in the Bible that are accepted today?  How can I know what is right and what is wrong?


Is family planning consistent with scriptures?


I live in my boyfriend’s house.  We do not sleep together, and we don’t sleep in the same room.  I have repented of sex before marriage and am encouraging him to, as well.  Is it still a sin even for me to stay in this house even though we won’t touch each other until we are married?


How do I, as a grandmother, treat my grandson and his husband who are gay when I see them? Do I invite them to my house for family meals? Do I shun them? I think I should continue to love them and to be a Christian as an example to them.


If I stood by and watched an old lady being mugged and did nothing about it, would I be guilty of sin?


What does the Bible say about those who appear to be spiritually on fire but are still lustful? Is it possible to be lustful and still be in one accord with the Holy Spirit?


I see so many Christians who drink alcohol, post articles with recipes about drinking. They brag about drinking with every meal and have full bars in their homes. One Christian man who is supported as a church’s missionary posted last week that whiskey on ice is waiting for you at my home! What are your thoughts on this?


I divorced my husband because he had an affair with another woman.  Does that prohibit me from participating in the Lord’s Supper or becoming an active member?


Do the marriage laws and divorce laws passed by a state or any countries that are permitted by God? Do the Bible’s teachings on marriage and divorce only apply for believers in the Church? 
