Does it make any sense to pray and fast for a particular gender that you want?


So many people pray to “Jesus” or the “Lord” instead of to the Father, as our Lord taught. Is it right or wrong to pray to “the Lord?” It bothers me. Some also pray to the Spirit which seems quite wrong.


Is it always God’s will for us to be healed? Should we pray “if it be Your will”?


Does the Holy Spirit give one a way or right saying when we present our requests to God? There are times that I pray a particular request and I don’t get my request and answer which makes me want to keep on praying for it.


Does the Scriptures require that we say a blessing before each meal?


My pastor and church always end prayers by saying, “In the Name of Jesus” instead of “In the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.” Are they wrong or is that okay?


I am saved (Romans 10:9) but I need more of a love for prayer. Does God make us the way we are as far as our personalities?


What is the proper way to pray for people to be saved?


The Lord saved me! How do I develop a stronger desire to pray?


Where in the Bible are we first asked to praise the Lord?  Did God Himself ever command it? 


Can I communicate directly with God or the angels of God?


Is it ok to tell someone what I prayed for? Lots of my prayers have been answered and I have been telling people about them being answered.


Does God hear us if we are saved, but not living in his will?


As a Christian, is it correct to say Amen to the prayer of a Muslim faithful?


Does praying for a nonbeliever to help them with their situation do any good?


How can I be consistent in prayer?  Is there any biblical time to stay in prayer?


Is it improper to repeat a prayer?


When praying for a non-believer, let’s say they are sick, should we always lead them into the prayer of salvation? I haven’t come across any scenario in the Bible where someone was led into repentance before they were prayed for.


I lost my mom 3 months ago and I haven’t been able to get past this awful depression. I didn’t realize what an effect this would have on me. How should I pray about this?


How can we truly pray for our political leaders when they are so evil and corrupt?


Is it right for a man of God to end a prayer with the words, “May the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob follow the congregants of this church”?


What should I do before leading the worship of believers besides praying?


What is a prayer meeting?


Would prayer include things (material in nature) or the substance of God’s provisions in Christ Jesus”


Since God is beyond time, can we pray for the past?
