What if a demon doesn’t listen to Satan, or decides to rebel against him, what would happen?  Could they die?  How does it work if they decide to rebel against Satan?


As a believer in Christ are we able to have demons? Can we still be delivered, or once we are saved, will all the demons leave? I’ve seen and heard people being delivered. I don’t know if there were Christians or not.


Did God ever show mercy to Lucifer when he fell?


I know some angels followed Satan and were cast out of heaven. My question is: Could they repent and change their fate?


Is taking drugs a form of Satanic worship?


Is a believer supposed to hate?  Should we hate Satan?


I have heard pastors say that Satan can’t do anything without God’s permission. My understanding of the Word is that this is not to be taken in the obvious context but was intended to mean only that Satan has limited powers on earth. Please provide your feedback!


The Bible indicates Jesus was rejected of men. How does Satan use that rejection against God’s children?


Can certain cities be demon-possessed?


Please, when were the devil and his cohorts cast out from Heaven when the war happened in Heaven? Was it before or after the devil deceived Eve in the garden of Eden?


Where does the Antichrist come from? What is his origin?


What are hereditary spirits? I hear our local people talking about inheriting a spirit from their ancestors. How can you address this according to the Bible?


Please, am I still under a family curse if I am in Christ?


Can a person bring bad spirits into your home or can someone possess this spirit unawares?


If Hell was created for Satan and his fellow insubordinates, why is it that they are not serving their sentences and are causing havoc on Earth? How did they escape?


How is Satan getting us to hate instead of love?


Help me understand where in time that Satan is to be put in the pit or jail for a thousand years and let loose. And after a while thrown into the lake of fire. Has the thousand years time been running? Because if he had been in the pit and was not able to deceive for that thousand years and be loosed, when was that and or when will that happen?


Please with scriptural reference, explain why God created Lucifer, who would finally oppose His kingdom and cause havoc on God’s creation.


What is a spiritual spouse? And what is the marine kingdom?


If God knew Satan was going to sin why would God make him?


Please, who was the fallen angel?


Can a demon-possessed person or one who is influenced by spirits do self-deliverance? Do we need the prayers of others to cast out the demon?


When will Satan be freed to cause rebellion…will this be after the Millennial period? If it’s after the Millennial period, with whom will he be working?


Can I get an evil spirit if I’m a believer, like the spirit of oppression. I didn’t think you could get an evil spirit if you belonged to Jesus Christ. How do we get rid of it then?


What are some ways Satan tricks and manipulates the mind of a believer and an unbeliever?
