I was reading the story of David and Goliath. At which point was Goliath killed? When he was hit by the stone or when he was struck by his sword?


What were the sins of Eli’s sons?  Was Eli a bad father?


The sons of Eli and the sons of Samuel were both wicked. Eli’s sons were punished. Samuel made his children judges, but they too were bad. How can I explain the difference between these two fathers as far as punishment for their sons?


My question is from 1 Samuel 28:11. The Bible tells us that those who are sleeping can’t hear or speak, but in 1 Samuel Saul asked the woman to bring Samuel from the dead to speak to him. Can you explain this to me?


What is the difference between the seers and the prophets in the Old Testament?


David, under desperation, ate the sanctified bread in the temple of the Lord. Saul, under desperation, sacrificed to the Lord. Right away the kingdom was taken from Saul, but David’s case was ignored. How fair is this?


Who is David?


In 1st Samuel 15:2-3, why would God order the Amalekites to be killed? To me, this indicates that God knew the future of the adults if they would have been spared.


Could you explain 1 Samuel 15:3?  Is God commanding His people to murder men, women, and children?


In 1st Samuel 16:6, why did Samuel think that Eliab was surely the one God has chosen?


Why did God allow Jonathan to die?


What did Eli do that made God take his life?


Is there any verse about priests’ immorality in the Bible?


Why did God decide to kill Jonathan even when he helped David to prevail against Saul?


Can you explain to me why God sent an evil spirit to torment King Saul in 1st Samuel 16:14? Is it that God forces people to sin?


Please explain 1st Samuel 16:14.


In 1 Samuel 17, David comes into the Israel camp and as he’s going to fight Goliath, King Saul asks who he is. Why ask who David is if he was already in his service?


I would like to have a better understanding of Eli the priest and his sons when they failed God.


Please help me to understand how demons left King Saul’s body whenever David played the musical instrument for him.


What did 1 Samuel 28 mean about Samuel rising from the dead while the bible plainly teaches that the dead know nothing?


Why did Goliath fall facedown when he was hit from the front side? By physics laws he was supposed to fall backward.


Please explain to me 1 Samuel 18:10.


Why did God kill Eli?


I was wondering if you could help me to understand why in 1 Samuel 28: 11-19 when the medium summons Samuel, it’s as though he is in Hades. The woman says “I see a god coming up from the ground and Samuel himself says “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” I’m hoping that you could help shed some light on what Samuel could have done to end up in Hades.
