What are your thoughts on the rapture since many claim it will happen in 2019?


Should Christians regard the Lord’s Day as a day of rest?


Why are churches still doing baptism of water? Wasn’t it done before Christ? John says “Him who comes baptizes with the Holy Spirit.”


How can baptism be into a person, Jesus Christ, and into His death?


Am I right to say that an externally-focused ministry must think about the kingdom, and not have a church mindset?


Is it Biblical to break the bread (take communion) during the midst of fasting?


What is Holy Communion and why should we celebrate it?


Is it wrong to feel more led to witness, minister, and/or disciple some people more than others? I want all people I know and love to come to know Christ, but often feel led to a few specific people. Is it wrong to feel this way?


The Lord has been laying on my heart “if people don’t come to us, we’ve got to go to them.” Specifically I’ve been thinking about our shut-ins and elderly. Where is scripture that talks about studying and gathering in homes?


Please give me an insight of what a priest does in this generation.


If a leader committed fornication before marriage and married the same girl after a few years, should he be stripped from his leadership? Will he be punished for his sin? Will he be able to continue his leadership in the church? Will God forgive him?


According to the Bible who is permitted to baptize? If the person believes, can we do like in Acts 8:36 or should we wait for the pastor to do it?


What should I say to people who claim they are born again but do not want to take water baptism just because salvation is not dependent on water baptism?


My friend wasn’t baptized but he knows the meaning of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Is my friend able to take the Lord’s Supper?


What can you say about churches who do not impose the value of giving tithes and offerings among its members?


How many times should we take the holy communion?


What are spiritual fathers for? Is it OK not to have one? Is it always mandatory that a spiritual father is supposed to be a pastor, or bishop?


Our preacher’s wife is insisting on having woman’s Bible study out of a book from Joyce Meyer. My wife and I believe that she is a false teacher. What is your opinion please?


Can women be leaders in a church, not the pastor but lead the youth or other ministry?


Must a person be baptized again in the case where the person who has long ago been baptized later gets converted to another religion, but eventually realizes the mistake and again gets back to Christianity?


What does the baptism of Jesus symbolize? If baptism symbolizes the death and resurrection of Christ why were people baptized before His death?


When young unwed girls fall pregnant, most of them stop fellowship, some until delivery. Some backslide and never come back to church. Is it really a good idea to stop fellowship if a young girl gets pregnant?


What does the Bible say about breaking bread on a Sunday with believers? Is it a sin not to?


Can you explain for me if it is biblical for a pastor to be involved in politics?


Do people have the gift of God before they are saved?
