Why couldn’t Paul preach the Gospel in Asia? Why did the Holy Spirit stop him in Acts 16:6?


Is it a sin if one intentionally does not have kids because of the condition of the world today?


I would like to know the difference between an evangelist and an apostle.


Can you explain Romans 11:32?


Is it right to demand God do things for us?


Is the daily bread in the Lord’s Prayer spiritual bread?


I’ve heard people talking about 666 saying it’s a number you should be careful about as a Christian. Can you please explain more about it?


Does grace put an end to obedience? If not, what are the things Christ said in His word that we are to obey.


What is the difference between tithes, offerings, and firstfruits?


Why do we still suffer even though we have Christ in us as Christians?


Please contrast Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24. Why is the lack of honor by the family not mentioned by Luke?


Colossians 4:12 says, “Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always laboring fervently for you in prayer.” My question is, Is prayer a work?


There are a number of churches in South Africa that pray in the names of the church founders and leaders. They regard the church founders who have passed on as their angels and also pray to them. What does the bible say about this? Should one leave such a church, or is it fine if I pray in the name of Jesus at that church and do not partake in acts of the worship of the church founders?


Since God created all humans, why were there “Gods people” and “Gentiles”? Were Gentiles able to be saved in the Old Testament?


In Judges 13:25 we read that “the Spirit of the Lord began to stir Samson.” Can you describe how the Lord’s Spirit “stirred” Samson?


My fiancé is a Jehovah’s Witness. What can I do to convince her of the truth?


Joel 2:28 says, “and it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour my Spirit out on all flesh.” Is “all flesh” restricted to believers or is God saying this will happen to everybody?


Please explain 1 Timothy 2:11-12.


Isaiah 65:17 says, “For behold I create new heavens and a new earth; the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.” (NASB). What things will not come to mind?


Please explain Ezekiel 38:10-12.


2 Samuel 12:15 seems to say that the Lord caused sickness. Is that true? Does God sometimes cause us to be sick?


Can you explain Matthew 4:4-10 and Luke 4:1-13? Matthew says the Lord was tempted after 40 days. Luke says the Lord was tempted for the entire 40 days.


Can you please explain Isaiah 54:11-12?


Can fasting and praying help heal sickness and diseases? If I fast and pray for someone who is very sick, does the power of God use me to heal that person?


Why do we have different types of blood? We came from one father which is Adam. According to science, the blood comes from our father.
