According to the Bible, the only way to be saved is to believe in Jesus. What will happen to other religions that do not believe in Jesus Christ? What about other religions that existed before Christianity began?


Is it correct to say, “Universal Church” or just “Local Church?” Can you explain what the Bible says or what is written about this in the Bible?


The Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that blood should not enter into one’s body medically by a blood transfusion. Is this what scriptures say?


Will there be children born during the Tribulation Period?


Is there any biblical correlation between the 12 apostles and the 12 tribes of Israel?


Are ministries mentioned in the Bible?


Is it right for Christians to be Forex traders?


Did the Hebrews spend time in Egypt for 400 or 430 years? (Genesis 15:13 and Acts 7:6).


Why are people serving money like in Matthew 6:24?


Can you please explain Jude 1:4-7?


In the parable of the ten virgins does this mean that some believers will be left behind to face the Tribulation? Does it mean some believers will not be prepared to go in the rapture of the Church?


Is there any specific Bible passage about a man staying single? The reason I want to know is because I want to devote myself to completely serving the Lord.


According to Ezra 7:12, King Artaxerxes referred to himself as king of kings. Truly he was the king of kings on earth. Can one say King Artaxerxes was proud to have said that?


Please explain what it means when it is mentioned in the Bible to stay away from blood.


Can you please give me an overview of Galatians 3?


At which point are our names written in the book of life? Is it by birth or the day we are born again?


I have heard of people marrying as a business transaction (like for citizen documentation). Even some marriages don’t last because it seemed to not have had love but other interests. Can you please share your biblical knowledge whether God honors or approves these marriages or not?


Does it make any sense to pray and fast for a particular gender that you want?


Does the Bible ever contradict itself?


As a Christian, is it possible to believe that dreams have a future meaning? Are there supporting verses in the Bible?


A Christian couple who hold a high position in church has taken away the farmland that we bought together of which we were supposed to share, but they have decided to get everything just because we owe them. We wanted to clear the balance, but they are saying they can only refund us what we paid them. If people who preach the Gospel can be this heartless, how do we bring people close to the Lord? Would it be wrong for me to claim what rightfully belongs to my family?


Why is the tribe of Simeon not included in the blessings of Moses in Deuteronomy 33?


John 3:14 says, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up.” Why is a snake being symbolized here as like Jesus being lifted up when we know a snake was already cursed by God because it was used by Satan to deceive Adam and Eve?


How can a Christian maintain the Golden Rule?


Please explain James 2:6.
