This question is a little more difficult than it appears at first glance, but I think one important part of your question is when we support companies that we “know are actively promoting anti-Christian agenda, etc.”  It would be almost impossible to know the background of every company that we do business with.  Today, with so many things being bought off the Internet, such as Amazon, it is impossible to know much about the different companies we may be buying from.

However, there are some companies that take political stands and make their positions known publicly.  Should we buy from, or support, a company that openly supports abortion, gay rights, transgenderism, etc.?  Should we work for such a company?  Should we work with others with these same feelings?  Should we hire people who have these same feelings?  While there may be laws created to prevent us from hiring or firing based on these individual thoughts and practices, we do have the freedom to determine where we spend our money and we may find ourselves being led away from some companies that stand for principles that we oppose based on our Christian principles.

It is known that many people refuse to spend their money at Chick-Fil-A because their president, S. Truett Cathy, took a personal stand against homosexuality.  Many might remember how that almost immediately after Mr. Cathy expressed his personal feelings, there were planned boycotts against his company.  Thankfully, this did not have much of an impact and Chick-Fil-A is still a strong faith-based company today. 

If the unsaved world can choose to boycott certain companies for their Christian stand, should Christians take a similar stand against companies that project anti-Christian values?  Let’s be clear, there are relatively very few companies that openly stand for Christian values (Chick-Fil-A, Dario’s restaurants, Hobby Lobby, just to name a few).  However, there are those companies that project ungodly beliefs, tolerances, and practices. 

The Bible clearly teaches against profiting for immorality and sin.  Deuteronomy 23:18 says, “Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”  Proverbs 16:8 tells us, “Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.”  If the Lord tells us that certain types of gain are considered an abomination and not right, then we can certainly surmise that the Lord does not want us to contribute to such an enterprise. 

Many consider Cracker Barrel to be a faith-based company.  In fact, during the early 1990s, the company founder and CEO Dan Evins instituted an official company policy prohibiting the hiring of any individual whose “sexual preferences fail to demonstrate normal heterosexual values.”  Many might find it comfortable to spend their money at this restaurant chain because of their stance against sinful sexual practices.  However, because of great pressure, Cracker Barrel soon reversed its stance in its hiring practices.  In the past few years, Cracker Barrel began selling alcohol at its restaurants.  It this chain of restaurants worthy of Christian business and support?  Are they still trying to portray the company as a faith-based company?

So, I think the question while seemingly simple is quite complex.  How deep should we look into a company’s history and political standards before we frequent them?  If a company’s reputation reflects anti-Christian positions, should we frequent them at all?  If a company that reflects ungodly attitudes, but produces a good and useful product, should we seek to do business elsewhere? 

There are companies that produce ungodly products, such as pornography, ungodly movies, drug paraphernalia, strong alcohol that we definitely should stay away from, but what about those companies that produce useful products, but reflect ungodly values? 

We read in Romans 14:5, “Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.”  I suggest we act tolerantly towards those who have not yet felt the conviction to look more deeply into the things they support.  We can certainly offer guidance and advice, yet we should allow the Lord time to work in the hearts of fellow believers who do not have the same convictions we do on this type of matter.  (CC)  (523.2)