A Christian couple who hold a high position in church has taken away the farmland that we bought together of which we were supposed to share, but they have decided to get everything just because we owe them. We wanted to clear the balance, but they are saying they can only refund us what we paid them. If people who preach the Gospel can be this heartless, how do we bring people close to the Lord? Would it be wrong for me to claim what rightfully belongs to my family?


How long should it take someone who is a widower to get married again according to the Bible?


Why is the tribe of Simeon not included in the blessings of Moses in Deuteronomy 33?


Does 2 John, verses 10-11, mean we cannot have cult members in our home to witness to them?


As a 65-year-old woman, all I see are violent, wicked evildoers.  There is nothing good or promising to see.


In our church the Lord is bringing in a lot of 11th hour workers.  However, the Pastor’s wife and the Deacon’s wife always find a way to squash the new gifts that come in. They have been serving the Lord for over 20 years. It’s like they get jealous and envy new gifts or ones that are better than their children’s.  Why is this?


John 3:14 says, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up.” Why is a snake being symbolized here as like Jesus being lifted up when we know a snake was already cursed by God because it was used by Satan to deceive Adam and Eve?


My question is on soul ties and how to break them.


How can a Christian maintain the Golden Rule?


What does Galatians 6:1 mean by the spiritual restoring of a brother who has been overtaken by a fault?


Please explain James 2:6.


Could you explain when a Christian can judge and cannot judge?


As a woman, have I sinned if I preach the gospel or explain scripture to my friend who is a guy, because of what 1 Timothy 2:12 says?


Who are the three shepherds mentioned in Zechariah 11:8?


Please explain Genesis 19:30-38.


Could we say that all the disciples of Jesus Christ were saved?


Is it pride or self-conceit to make myself a lord, king, priest and god? It seems to be a small thing for men to make himself an apostle, pastor, teacher, evangelist or bishop and they boast in these things.


Does the Bible promise that Christians will be delivered from mental illness of all kinds?


Can you explain the differences between sin, iniquity, trespasses, and transgressions?


Please explain Romans 2:21-24.


How do I keep my eyes on my own walk with the Lord? It seems like everyone in my church has it all together while I am struggling.


Why did Naaman ask for “two mule-loads of earth” in 2 Kings 5:17?


Can you explain John 21:21-23?


Can you explain the vision of Ezekiel 37 about the valley of dry bones?


What prayer do Catholics pray after eating Holy Communion?
