Based on the Scriptures in Ecclesiastes 12:13, Matthew 5:17, Romans 3:31, Revelation 12:17 & 14:12 (and many more), I am of the understanding that the whole of Scripture is centered around the observance of the original instructions or what people call the Torah. This would complement the scripture where Christ is our sacrificial lamb, and our propitiation for sin, based on the violation of Torah, in which John expounds in his first epistle. Do you find this to be synonymous throughout Scripture?


Can you explain each fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23?


Please explain to me how our Lord Jesus was tempted by Satan on three occasions whilst in the desert for forty days.  How and in what form was this communicated?


Why do some passages in the Bible speak of the “faith of Jesus”?


I saw a teaching about taking the Lord’s name in vain. They said that it means much more than using the Lord’s name/names as a curse. On a deeper level it means to not give God a bad reputation by calling oneself a Christian but living just like the world. Are there any other scriptures that can support this?


A lot of people know you’re not to take the Lord’s name in vain, but I hear people continue to use other curse words and still think they’re not sinners!! What does the Bible say about that?


Please explain Isaiah 44:3.


Should the United States be friendly with Israel?


Did God ever show mercy to Lucifer when he fell?


What does the chastisement of the Lord in Hebrews 12:5-7 mean?


Please explain Jesus as the bread of life.


Does Revelation 11:19 indicate that the Ark of the Covenant is still in existence?


Was Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, the same Mary as Mary Magdalene? 


James 5:17-18 says that Elijah prayed the rain would start and stop, but I find no indication of this prayer in 1 Kings. Is this a discrepancy?


Is there a curse on children who come from fornication?


We are supposed to love one another.  How do you love people you don’t necessarily like? Is this possible?


My pastor and church always end prayers by saying, “In the Name of Jesus” instead of “In the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.” Are they wrong or is that okay?


Can you explain John 21:18-19 regarding Peter’s death?


I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. My whole body was buried under the water. Am I considered to be a child of God? Must I be baptized in Jesus’ name? Christ said to go into the world and baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I did that. What am I to the kingdom of God now?


What is your position on abortion?


Could you explain 1 John 5:4-5?


If I stood by and watched an old lady being mugged and did nothing about it, would I be guilty of sin?


Did God say we should dedicate our firstborn child to him or all our children?


In the Bible, who were the Sanhedrin?


Does God allow His children to sing rap music?
