How can I share the gospel with someone when I feel cold towards sinners because I struggle with separating sin from the sinner?


Can I claim Acts 16:31 as a promise of salvation for my family?


James 5:18 speaks of anointing with oil and praying for those in need. I believe in this practice and have done this as instructed. Yet today’s new age pastors say it is no longer relevant and out of date in use. What is your take on this?


The Bible says we are healed by Jesus’ stripes.  I have prayed and asked God to heal me. Why am I not healed from my sickness?


Would you explain the term Zionism or Zionist?


How can burning flesh be a sweet-smelling aroma to God?


The Bible says that when we get to heaven that the books will be opened and every deed we have done, good or bad, will be revealed. Does that mean even though our sins have been forgiven and God says He will remember them no more, they will be revealed?


When the Bible says that God is not mocked and whatever man sows, he will reap, does that apply for now or in the life to come?


Why were the people of Israel punished for David’s sin in 2 Samuel 24:16?


Will unbelievers who are cast into the lake of fire suffer actual torment? 


How many people died in the flood when Noah’s ark was built?


I was reading the story of David and Goliath. At which point was Goliath killed? When he was hit by the stone or when he was struck by his sword?


Can you please expound on Romans 8:28?


How long should it take someone who is a widower to get married again according to the Bible?


As a 65-year-old woman, all I see are violent, wicked evildoers.  There is nothing good or promising to see.


Could we say that all the disciples of Jesus Christ were saved?


Can you explain the vision of Ezekiel 37 about the valley of dry bones?


Is working on Sundays biblically wrong? 


Is it biblical to sow seeds and pay tithes?  I hear some pastors say that for a person to stop being poor or living in poverty, they have to sow a seed of money to the church.  Was this practiced in the early church?


My friend, who is saved, is trying really hard to win her family over to Jesus, but they seem to be hardened.  She is praying for them and she’s feeling discouraged. Please, what help can you offer to her from Scripture?


Could you explain how Psalm 48:13 can be considered prophetic?


You speak a lot about doctrines.  What is a doctrine?


What is the obligation in a marriage if one of the partners becomes a believer while the other one is not a believer?


If the Holy Spirit is God, did God manifest Himself as a dove when Jesus was being baptized?


Was Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8 saved?
