Is it wrong to have angels, pictures of Jesus, or the Lord’s Supper in your home? I know the Bible says that we are not to have any images of Heavenly things.


Is it true that there’s a holy anger?


Is joking a sin?


Can a Christian sell alcohol?


Should Christians serve God and country?


With all the things going on in the world today, we all want to keep our families safe. What I would like to know is are we as Christians permitted to defend ourselves and our families…say a robber breaks in and wants to murder us?


Most people say today that spanking is wrong and harmful. I know I was spanked when I was growing up. Do you think it is wrong to spank our children?


Is drinking beer, wine, or any alcohol a sin? I have read scripture about drunkenness and drunkards will not enter the kingdom of heaven, but what about the limit or strength of alcohol? And please explain when Jesus turned water into wine. It wasn’t actual wine was it? It was grape juice, right? I know back in those days doesn’t mean the same now days. So just checking!


Before the 10 commandments were given where did morality come from?


I have tried to clearly see what the Bible says about when a father abuses a child and the law does not support the child. What recourse does that child have when according to the law they still have to be with that father?


As Christians should we celebrate Christmas and any other things that came from pagans?


Are parents supposed to provoke their children? If so, what do you do?


As Christians, are we obligated to pay our taxes when the money is being spent foolishly?


What does the bible say about body piercings? Is it wrong or does it just make “Christians” look bad to the unsaved world? Do you think it is a sin? What does God say?


Is cremation a sin?


Why are all Christians hypocrites?


As a Christian, what do you think about the death penalty?


Is it ever okay to tell a lie even if it helps or protects someone else?


Why do people judge others when the Bible clearly tells us not to judge?


I have a problem and I need your help. I disowned my dad years ago because when I was a little girl he used me as his girlfriend. Well I got a call that the Dr. only gives him a month to live. Now I know God will not forgive me of my sins unless I’m willing to forgive others. Well I’m going to see him Friday and try to make peace. I need advice and a prayer can you help me?


How do you pursue a relationship with a specific person without making him/her an idol? How can I date in a healthy way?


What would happen when you are a sinner if you kill someone or commit some other horrible crime and go to jail, and then repent and accept Jesus Christ as your savior? Would you go to Heaven or Hell?
