Before we can answer that question, we need to ask, “What is a bishop and a priest according to the New Testament?” I believe the answer to that question will help us to see that there should not be men wearing special garments like the priests did under the Mosaic Law in Old Testament times.

BISHOPS: In 1st Timothy 3:1 we read, “This is a faithful saying: if a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work” (NKJV). The NASB says, “It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of OVERSEER, it is a fine work he desires to do.” DARBY’S version reads, “The word is faithful: if anyone aspires to exercise OVERSIGHT, he desires a good work.” The word “bishop” refers to one who bears OVERSIGHT and is called an OVERSEER. It is the same as an ELDER, which is a man who is especially called of God to care for the spiritual welfare of the saints in their local church. If you read the qualifications for one that would bear oversight in verses 2-7 you will see that he is to be godly married man who is known for his godly testimony at home, in his community and in the local church. This makes him a good candidate for “doing the work of an overseer,” for his burden is to see the saints grow spiritually. In Acts 20:28 the Apostle Paul said this to the elders at Ephesus, “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all THE FLOCK, among which the Holy Spirit has made you OVERSEERS, to SHEPHERD the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” We see here that it is the Holy Spirit that makes one an overseer and we learn that his primary work is to “shepherd the flock” (Christ’s SHEEP, see John 10:11-16; 21:15-17). One does not become an overseer by going to Bible college or seminary, or by someone “ordaining” them for this work. An overseer is not an “official position” giving one the authority to “rule over the people.” It is a blessed work done by spiritually experienced men who have a love for the “flock of God” and desire to see them grow spiritually (see also 1st Peter 5:1-4).

PRIESTS: In 1st Peter 2:2-5 we read, “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up A SPIRITUAL HOUSE, A HOLY PRIESTHOOD, to offer up spiritual sacrifices accept to God through Jesus Christ.” We learn in this passage that all believers (people who have come to Christ by faith and been born again into the family of God) are a “spiritual house.” Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “On this rock I will build My church.” The sinner who comes to Christ and believes on Him is saved and is part of the church He is building (see Acts 2:47). It is not a building made up of literal “stones,” but a spiritual house made up of “living stones” (believers who have LIFE IN CHRIST). Believers are also called a “holy priesthood” who can worship God by offering the “spiritual sacrifices of praise” to Him. In the Old Testament times there was a literal building made up of various materials called the “house of God” or “temple”. There were also “priests” who were to serve in that temple, but they were all from the tribe of Levi. See 1st Kings 6:11-13 and 8:1-21. Those priests did wear long garments called ROBES (Exodus 28:1-4). The house of God and the priests back then made it possible for Israel to worship God by offering “animal sacrifices” to Him, but this all looked forward to Christ coming and to the “one sacrifice” He would make on the cross (see Hebrews 9:23-26; 10:1-13). We saw in 1st Peter 2:2-5 that today everything has changed. Today believers are the “house of God” and they are also “holy priests” who offer up spiritual sacrifices. And we read nothing in the New Testament of believers wearing long garments to worship God. The answer to your question then is: NO, the wearing of long garments is NOT RELEVANT TODAY.

In 2nd Timothy 2:15 we read, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH” (KJV). In our study of God’s Word, we come to see the “differences” between Israel and the church, law and grace, salvation and discipleship, and many other truths. Today we have seen the difference between “the house of God and priests under the Law in Israel” and “the house of God and priests under grace in the Church.”  (DO)  (604.3)