I am very interested in the life of Aaron, brother of Moses. Was Aaron responsible for the Golden Calf?  In Exodus 32, after being impatient and disobedient of the Israelites, the people ask Aaron to build a golden calf.


Why did Moses have to keep his arms raised in prayer during a battle?


What is the significance of Aaron’s rod that budded?


Did Jesus talk with Moses from the burning bush?


Why did Aaron, the high priest, not prevent the people from demanding the making of an idol?


I need an explanation on Biblical offerings according to Exodus 25:1-7 and the woman who put in all she had in Mark 12:41-44.


Did God say we should dedicate our firstborn child to him or all our children?


Do you think that the mixed multitude that left Egypt with the Israelites were all saved?


Can you please explain Exodus 24:7-11? Did they really see God’s face since they just talk of his feet?  If yes, how can you connect it with Exodus 33:20?


In Exodus it says Moses saw God, but the Bible also teaches that no man has seen God. Is this a contradiction?


Do Exodus 4:11 and Isaiah 45:7 teach that God creates people with birth defects?


Can you please explain to me what is the Passover?


Please explain the meaning of leavened and unleavened bread.


In Exodus 12:6 we see that the Passover lamb had to kept until the fourteenth day. Why did they have to wait until the 14th?


Why were Aaron and the Levites spared from punishment in Exodus 32?


What does “an eye for an eye” mean?


Why does God ask His servants to remove the sandals off their feet? How does this act relate to “standing on Holy Ground?”


Is it true or not that saying ‘OMG’ or ‘Oh my God’ as a reaction is a sin? As it said in the Bible from Exodus 20:7 NIV, “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”


How long was Israel in Egypt? 430 years or 210 years?


In Exodus 4:10-14, does it mean that Moses was doubting the Lord concerning not being eloquent?


Are we not still bound by the 10 commandments? I get upset when people pick and choose what we must do. I was told that we no longer have to abide by any of the laws from the Old testament.


God killed all the firstborn because Pharaoh didn’t do what He wanted. Why not just kill Pharaoh instead of innocent children?


Who was Moses’ wife?


Can you please explain to me Exodus 22:2-3?


According to Exodus 12: 35-38 when the Israelites were driven out of Egypt, they left with some of the wealth of Egypt including livestock. How is it that in the wilderness they had no food to eat and ended up crying to the Lord and manna and quail were provided? What happened to the livestock? Were they not allowed to eat of the livestock?
