When I got saved a pastor told me if I want to be truly saved, I have to return everything I had taken. I find it very hard since from childhood I have done a lot. I don’t even remember all I have taken. I want to be truly saved, but I don’t know what to do.


If we must do the will of the Father while on earth to go to heaven, how do people on their death beds that never did His will accept Him and go to heaven?


I gave my life to Christ at an early age, but I got away from Him for several years. Now, I’ve rededicated my life to Christ but the devil (or I think it’s the devil) yells in my ear that I’m not really saved. Is this the voice of the Lord or is it the devil? I did what Romans 10: 9 says to be saved. Do I need to do a rededication in front of my church I’m now attending in a new city?


Please could you give me a better understanding of being born again?


Please explain the difference between salvation and sanctification.


What is the Biblical way to share the Gospel?


When I get to heaven will I remember my son and grandchildren if they do not repent? How can I convince my son the only truth is the Word of God?


Is there something in the Bible that says if one family member is saved, the whole family will be saved some day?


I believe the sinner’s prayer is unbiblical, so what would you say/do to a person who wants to be saved? Is it wrong to lead them in any prayer or have them pray?


In light of Galatians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 10:5-6, and Hebrews 3:18, how can you teach that eternal salvation is guaranteed, no matter what?


As a Muslim, what can I do for my future?


What does the Bible say about good people that don’t go to church, read, or follow the Word or the Gospel?


Does the Lord accept you if you are gay?


Will the Lord accept you if you receive Him when you know you are about to die?


If a saved person doesn’t believe in God anymore, are they still saved and going to heaven?


How do I know if my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?


Why is it that a redeemed person who believes in God and believes in His name can still be in danger of condemnation?


If a saved person becomes an IDOL/ARTIST/PUBLIC FIGURE on a National TV Show, is he/she going to be saved despite being used by Satan as a tool to deceive people?


If a person’s soul was cursed and they were tortured for the remainder of their lives, would they be condemned to hell or could they be saved?


If one is a non-believer here on Earth, when he dies and stands before Christ, can he suddenly SEE and BELIEVE and LOVE at the point of death and go to Heaven?


Did Jesus die to ransom just a group of people or the entire human race?


Is a murdered person automatically freed from his sin?


Can you live a life of sin with the thought of asking at the end and expect forgiveness?


What is the GOSPEL? How important is it to Christians? How powerful is it?


If a man has more than one wife and is a Christian, upon his death, can he enter the kingdom of heaven?
