Please explain Isaiah 30:26.
In order to understand this verse, we will need to consider the context of this chapter. It begins with these solemn words in verses 1-2, “’Woe to the rebellious children,’ says the LORD, ‘Who take counsel, but not of Me, and who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, that they may add sin to sin; Who walk to do down to Egypt, and have not asked My advice, to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt’!” At this point in Israel’s history they were being threatened by an invasion from their northern neighbor, Assyria. Isaiah had warned them that this would happen because of their sin of idolatry. Instead of turning to the Lord in true repentance, they turn to their southern neighbor Egypt for help. They were indeed guilty of “adding sin to sin” and thus God rebukes them by calling them “rebellious children.” In the very beginning of this book God had said the exact same thing about them. “I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against Me” (Isaiah 1:2).
I would encourage everyone to read verses 3-26. In verses 3-5 we learn that Judah would be put to shame for seeking an alliance with Egypt and in verse 7 we see that “the Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose.” Verses 8-11 bring before us that just as little children refuse to listen their parents at times, so Israel were as “children who will not hear the law of the LORD.” God’s judgment upon them is announced in graphic detail in verses 12-17, followed by God’s grace being promised to them in the future when they cry out to Him in heartfelt repentance (verses 18-26).
Let’s take a closer look at verses 23-26, for these are the conditions which will exist in a future day when Israel turns to the Lord and casts away their idols. Isaiah assures them of God’s blessings to them, “Then He will give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground, and bread of the increase of the earth; It will be fat and plentiful. In that day your cattle will feed in large pastures. Likewise the oxen and the young donkeys that work the ground will eat cured fodder, which has been winnowed with the shovel and fan. There will be on every high mountain and on every high hill rivers and streams of water, in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.” (verses 23-25). Though Israel may have experienced these blessings “in measure” after God destroyed the Assyrians in Isaiah’s day, the blessings described here look on to the establishment of Messiah’s Millennium kingdom after He has destroyed Israel’s enemies in “the day of the great slaughter” (a reference, no doubt, to the Battle of Armageddon). The peace and prosperity in Israel will know no bounds in that glorious day!
Verse 26 is the “finishing touch” on God’s list of blessings to them. It reads, “Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, as the light of seven days. In the day that the LORD binds up the bruise of His people and heals the stroke of their wound.” Some have concluded that this last blessing of “light” must be taken symbolically, and that it speaks of “God’s glory and righteousness” that will cover the Millennial earth during Messiah’s reign. Others believe this should be taken just as literally as the verses that precede it. In their view, “there will be no distinction between day and night” and that the “two great lights” (the moon and the sun in Genesis 1:16) will both rule during endless days. Whichever view is correct, we can be sure that God’s “light” will manifest His power, to the awe and wonder of His redeemed people. And last, but not least, “the LORD binds up the bruise of His people and heals the stroke of their wound.” His people will NEVER rebel again and the “bruises” and “wounds” that they received as a result of their rebellion and God’s chastening will be forever done away with. Again, what a glorious day that will be for Israel! (246.1) (DO)