What is the responsibility of a Christian living in the world?
We could cite dozens of passages from scripture to answer this, but we will confine ourselves to a few. I believe that Philippians 2:14-16 bring out the answer to your question. Those verses state: “Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom YOU SHINE AS LIGHTS IN THE WORLD, HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE” (NKJV). Simply put, God saved us and left us in this world: 1) To be LIGHT through our lives; and 2) To present the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the “word of life.”
When the world sees a Christian they should see one who doesn’t COMPLAIN or ARGUE, and one who is BLAMELESS, meaning they can’t “charge us with a sin.” In Daniel 6:4 we read, “So the governors…sought to find some charge against Daniel…but they could find no charge or fault.” Does this mean we are sinless? No, for we can and do fail, but if we do we should quickly admit any wrong that we’ve done. They should also see one who is HARMLESS, which speaks of being sincere and honest. The world, which is in moral darkness, is often known for being hypocritical and crafty; the Christian should be transparent and without deceit. And lastly, we should be known as one that is WITHOUT FAULT. This may appear to be the same as “blameless,” but “without fault” speaks more of our “life lived BEFORE GOD” while “blameless” refers to our life BEFORE MEN. Those words are translated “without blemish” in 1st Peter 1:19 where it speaks of Christ’s “inward perfection.” One has said that the Christian lives TWO LIVES, one before men and one before God. If we are living a holy life before God we can rest assured that once we leave His presence we will also live a life that is “above reproach” before men.
Let me add that I wrote an article for a Christian publication dealing with 2nd Corinthians 4:10-11 which reads, “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that THE LIFE ALSO OF JESUS MIGHT BE MADE MANIFEST in our body, For we who live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that THE LIFE OF JESUS MIGHT BE MADE MANIFEST in our mortal flesh.” Notice how here too Paul stresses the responsibility we have as Christians to “manifest the life of Jesus.” I mentioned the fact that “the moment God saved us He could have taken us home to heaven immediately, but He has left us here to be a witness for the Lord Jesus to a lost and dying world.” They need to see “the life of Jesus in us” before they will be ready (and willing) to listen to us present the “word of life.”
But the “word of life” they must hear! It is not enough to simply LIVE CHRIST before others; we must also PREACH CHRIST to others. And thus as the Lord opens up the opportunity for us, we should “hold forth the word of life.” Men are “dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1) and need to be “born again” (John 3:3, 5). The New Birth is brought about through the Word of God, as we see in 1st Peter 1:23, 25, “Having been born again, not of corruptible see but incorruptible, THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD…now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you.” Let us not shirk this responsibility, but boldly proclaim to the lost the gospel of Jesus Christ, and then we will see God use His Word to save sinners. Romans 1:16 declares, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for IT IS THE POWER OF GOD TO SALVATION for everyone who believes.”
We have seen what the Christian’s responsibility is in this world. We are not here to make the world more comfortable or moral; we are here to show sinners the life of Christ and then preach the word of life to them. We have all been called to be “fishers of men” and as one has said, “We aren’t here to clean up the fish pond; we’re here to catch men in the gospel net.” We do this by LIVING CHRIST and PREACHING CHRIST to others. (273.7) (DO)