With all the different translations of the Bible today, what translation is the closest to the original text and are there copies of the original Bible texts available? What translations do you use for Answers From The Book?
The “original manuscripts” of the Bible disappeared long ago. Before they disappeared, scribes did make “copies” which in turn were used to make “translations” of the Bible into different languages. It should be noted that no matter what “copies/translations” were made from the originals, there were “copyist errors” such as mistakenly omitting or adding words or putting down the wrong word. Making copies was a very long and tedious task that led to these mistakes. Though there is no such thing as a “perfect manuscript” (except for the “original manuscripts”) or a “perfect translation,” we believe God took great care to ensure that His truth would not be compromised. Any mistakes are relatively minor and they do not compromise the vital truths of Christianity, truths such as the Trinity, the Incarnation of the Son of God, the atoning sufferings and death of Jesus Christ, His glorious resurrection and ascension back to heaven, salvation through faith in Christ’ finished work on the cross, the Second Coming of Christ, and the eternal state of all people in either heaven or hell. I would caution anyone not to use a “PARAPHRASE of the Bible” where the writer (I will not even call him or her a “translator”) uses his or her own words to convey what they believe a verse or passage of Scripture is saying. A true translation of the Bible is where the translator seeks to communicate “word for word” from the manuscript being used into their own native language.
There are many excellent translations of the Bible. I was saved reading the excellent King James Version of the Bible and I use this translation today in most of my studies and in giving lectures. However, there are translations that are “closer to the original text” such as the New American Standard Bible and the New Translation by J. N. Darby. Most of our answers here at Answers From the Book use these three translations along with the New King James Version, though there are times that we use other translations such as the English Standard Version or the New International Version. There are four of us that answer questions and I personally favor the New King James Version and the New American Standard Bible. Not only are these very accurate translations, but the English words used are more understandable for modern-day English-speaking people. I will give you one example to illustrate this by quoting 1 Thessalonians 4:15 from the KJV and then the NASB:
“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not PREVENT them which are asleep.”
“For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not PRECEDE those who have fallen asleep.”
The subject here is the Rapture where Christ will return to the air to receive all believers to Himself which is described in detail in verses 16-17. We read that after the Lord descends from heaven “the dead in Christ WILL RISE FIRST” and “then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” In verse 15 of the KJV the word PREVENT is misleading, for today the meaning of that word is “to keep someone from doing something.” Back in 1611 (when the KJV was written) that word meant “to go before” which is why the NASB and the NKJV replaced the word “prevent” with the word “precede” which does mean “to go before.” (DO) (640.5)