Well, my dear friend, I think I can give you a modern definition of Zionism, but this term is not found in the Bible, so my response below comes mainly from what I can discern from historic events.

Zionism is a modern term which describes an ethnic and cultural movement among many of the Jewish peoples of central and eastern Europe who in the latter part of the 19th century wanted to escape the anti-Semitic threats and persecutions they experienced over the years in many of the European countries where they lived. The purposes of this nationalistic movement were focused on the establishment and maintenance of a Jewish State outside of Europe. Jews all over Europe wished to relocate to Palestine, which for hundreds of years was populated mainly by Arabs and ruled by the Ottoman Empire, and later by the British. They wished to return to their homeland in the ancient region of Israel. Zionism was the name given to this movement which sought to set up and maintain a Jewish State. In 1948, the Jewish State of Israel was actually established through an action of the United Nations dividing a portion of the British mandate of Palestine to create the Jewish State. Unfortunately, many of the Arabs who had inhabited the land for a very long time felt they had been pushed out of their homeland in favor of the Jews. Since most of the surrounding countries are Arab, there has been considerable friction and war in the Middle East from 1948 to the present time. Thus, the term Zionism or Zionists would, today, refer to a nationalistic movement which advocates on behalf of Israel and seeks to address threats to its continued existence. As I have said, the term “Zionism” is not found in Scripture, but the eventual relocation of the faithful of Israel is clearly mapped out in Scripture. I want to clarify that whatever movements have occurred through Zionism, the gathering of the faithful remnant of Israel, in the end times after the Great Tribulation, will be accomplished by Christ Jesus at His second coming rather than by the hand of the Zionists (man) (Matthew 24:29-31).

But now, as to Zion, the name “Zion” is found many times in the Old Testament, generally referring to one of the hills where Jerusalem is located. It often is used to signify the place where the Great King, the Christ, will rule restored Israel and the world in the latter day (see Psalms 2 as an example). So, what is Zion? According to the Morrish Bible Dictionary, we read: “This was in reality a part of Jerusalem, being one of the mountains on which Jerusalem was built. Zion is often called ‘the city of David,’ it was where he dwelt. 2 Samuel 5:7; 1 Chronicles 11:5; Micah 3: 10-12.  The term Zion has constantly in scripture a metaphorical sense. It represents the intervention of sovereign grace in the person of God’s elect king, when Israel was utterly helpless, and the ark had been given into the hands of the enemy. The ark was brought by David to the city of David, and this may have led to Zion being regarded as the centre of blessing, and as a source from whence blessing proceeded, as it often is in the Psalms. Psalm. 87:2; 149:2; etc. The favoured people of God are often spoken of as DAUGHTERS OF ZION, Israel is constantly thus addressed in the Prophets, whether to be blamed for their waywardness and punished; or to be cheered with the prospect of future prosperity. And in these prophecies of their coming exaltation, Zion is referred to as the seat of the Messiah’s royal power on earth, as in Isaiah 52:1-8; 60: 14; Hebrews. 12:22. In scripture Zion never means the church: it always signifies blessing on earth, and is specially in connection with Israel, when the ultimate blessing of the nations will be through Israel; nevertheless Christians now enter into its spiritual import as being under the reign of grace while here on earth.” As to this last statement from the Bible dictionary which I have cited, we read in Hebrews 12:22: “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels….” Zion, Jerusalem, will be the seat of government, the throne of the Great King, the Lord Jesus Christ, when He returns to the earth at the end of the Great Tribulation. In that day, He will put all the enemies of God down, and Israel will be restored to its proper glory, with Christ as King, ruling in righteousness and justice. For Christians today, though, Zion reminds us of our heavenly calling in the City of God, heaven, where through the amazing Grace of our Lord Jesus, we have forgiveness for our sins and a heavenly calling (Hebrews 11:10; Philippians 3:20-21). If you are a true believer on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will one day go to be with the Lord Jesus to dwell forever (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; John 14:1-3). William MacDonald, in his Bible Commentary puts the thoughts of Hebrews 12:22 well: “Law has its Mount Sinai but faith has its Mount Zion. This heavenly mountain symbolizes the combined blessings of grace-all that is ours through the redeeming work of Christ Jesus.” If my readers have not trusted in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior as yet, please do consider the loving words of John 3:16,17.  I pray you come to faith in Christ Jesus even as you read my words today and share with all true believers forgiveness for your sins and the certain hope of being with the Lord Jesus where He is.  (SF)  (644.5)