Our preacher’s wife is insisting on having woman’s Bible study out of a book from Joyce Meyer. My wife and I believe that she is a false teacher. What is your opinion please?


What does the Bible tell us about false doctrines?


Is it scriptural to practice using a handkerchief as a way of protecting yourself from evil?


There seems to be a lot of confusion and strife about repentance and grace. Some teachers make it sound like everyone is going to hell. And some make it seem like everyone is going to Heaven. Can you give me more of an understanding of this?


How do I explain to my Catholic parents that I want to be a Christian or at least a worshipper at a Christian church?


Someone said, “NOBODY is going to Hell because of sin. ALL SIN HAS BEEN PAID FOR! It is the rejection of Jesus, and that alone that sends a person there. They have willfully cancelled out their only way of salvation.” Is that true?


Is it true that spilling salt, as Lazarus in the bible did, brings bad luck? Can it also cleanse away negative energies and any evil doing in one’s body and household?


Is recording family genealogy and documenting gravesites considered consorting with the dead?


Which one is worse, religious idolatry or unbelief in Christ Jesus?


Is Miracle Money genuine?


Is it Biblical to say that I believe in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church when reciting the Apostles’ Creed?


Where in the New Testament does it talk about the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven?


Can you speak on what particular dreams signify?


If the early church fathers, including Martin Luther and John Calvin, believed in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (communion) also known as Transubstantiation and this is supported by John 6 and 1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:27-31, then why do most modern day Protestants reject such a biblical idea?


What is magick?


Why do we celebrate Easter?


In the Catholic Church, Christians must do penance not less than one day a year. Is the act of contrition not enough for the forgiveness of sins in case of impossibility (maybe priest is far from you, fear and other obstacles)?


Since Satan can use preachers, how do we know if that person is doing Satan’s work or God’s work?


Can you explain why it is wrong for a Christian to belong to the Masons?


What is your view on Preterism?


I was told when Jesus said to Peter, “upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” that he was telling us that the Papacy is true, we have a Pope, and Jesus gave the authority to the Catholic Church to teach and preserve real Christian teachings. Is this true?


What’s the difference between the Law of Moses and of Jesus? I hear people say that we should not follow the Law of Moses now that Jesus died for us on the cross.


There are people who’ve had visions of heaven and hell. Some say they’ve seen Christians in hell? Is it possible for Christians to end up in hell?


Why does God allow the errors of the false teachers?


What does the Bible say about talking to dead people in graveyards?
